So, once again, I dreamed of baby girls last night. Now in this dream it wasn't my baby girl, but my Key West crush's. (who is MORE than welcome to turn up in my dreams nightly, by the way!) However, he wasn't doing such a great job and I took over and took care of her. He was more than appreciative. And in the dream she kinda became mine too.
Now...the question is....Can't I have both?! Hottie C AND the baby girl. I DON'T think it's asking too much. ;)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Things that make you go...hmmmm.....
Okay. So here I am waiting. waiting. waiting. Doing nothing to get my hopes up though that's hard not to do. I was looking online last night and something definitely popped up that put a teeny tiny little smile on my face and made me go hmmmmm....
Meet Lanie...American Girl's "Girl of the Year 2010" doll...

How funny is that!? Now some of you might not find the humor or are scratching your heads. But Lanie is MY girl name. And the doll lover in me about freaked when I saw that the very first doll in this series, and who is only available in this year where I am going down the baby road, is a cute little, blue eyed blond named LANIE!
And even of her key accessories...IS A HAMMOCK! A doll after my own heart!
Not trying to get my hopes up at the little things that seem like some kind of cosmic sign, but it's just the little things that make me go...hmmmm...
Meet Lanie...American Girl's "Girl of the Year 2010" doll...
How funny is that!? Now some of you might not find the humor or are scratching your heads. But Lanie is MY girl name. And the doll lover in me about freaked when I saw that the very first doll in this series, and who is only available in this year where I am going down the baby road, is a cute little, blue eyed blond named LANIE!
And even of her key accessories...IS A HAMMOCK! A doll after my own heart!
Not trying to get my hopes up at the little things that seem like some kind of cosmic sign, but it's just the little things that make me go...hmmmm...
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Baby Daddies and Random Playas!
So today was the day. Baby Daddy, activate! The process has begun again, and in two weeks from now we will know if my life is headed down a new road. 5/15. I remember thinking as I drove home, "well, this is a really nice day to get pregnant!" I got home from work last night and in bed around 1 am. Got up at 7 to head to Macon, crossing my fingers they wouldn't tell me to come back tomorrowk. Drove straight to work again at 10 when I was done. And am now home from work.... just waiting. And while waiting I think I'll go see Tim McGraw and Lady A in concert tonight. Might as well enjoy myself while I wait. hee!
But my thoughts turned from unknown baby daddy to known playa when i got in my car to come home from work. There on my text message was a random text from a guy that I met in Key West last summer. I actually met him the first week I was there and actually liked him. ACTUALLY LIKED HIM. Wanted to get to know him. Wanted him to actually CALL me. (for those that know me know what a big effing deal this was/is! HA!)and he turned out to only be, you guessed it, Mr. Playa. I was warned about him from mutual friends. To my dismay nothing came of it, and I enjoyed the rest of my summer. Move along, I say. But occasionally, in the past year, I'll recieve some random out of the blue text from him. Today was one of those days. How weird that I get one the day I do the deed!
I swear to God...if I end up being some real life version of "the Backup Plan" I'm selling my freakin' story to People magazine! ;)
But my thoughts turned from unknown baby daddy to known playa when i got in my car to come home from work. There on my text message was a random text from a guy that I met in Key West last summer. I actually met him the first week I was there and actually liked him. ACTUALLY LIKED HIM. Wanted to get to know him. Wanted him to actually CALL me. (for those that know me know what a big effing deal this was/is! HA!)and he turned out to only be, you guessed it, Mr. Playa. I was warned about him from mutual friends. To my dismay nothing came of it, and I enjoyed the rest of my summer. Move along, I say. But occasionally, in the past year, I'll recieve some random out of the blue text from him. Today was one of those days. How weird that I get one the day I do the deed!
I swear to God...if I end up being some real life version of "the Backup Plan" I'm selling my freakin' story to People magazine! ;)
Friday, May 14, 2010
Here I Am Again!
I know...I've been missing. Just been busy. But here I am ready to start the baby stuff all over again. I actually started it over a few months ago. Back to the doctor, starting all over since it had been several months, a new polyp to removed, wait two months and VOILA! It's go time. I actually just got back from having an ultrasound this morning and was asked to come back tomorrow. So tomorrow may be the day, but if not, DEFINITELY Sunday. I feel good about this month. Little signs here and there. I'll share those later...trying not to jinx myself! The last few months I have been working, working, workikng my ass off. I am still at the part time job (though starting to get burned out on that) trying to pay down the credit cards. I am making headway. No plans to live in KW this summer, but you NEVER know. Guess we'll see what happens this month. Though I will be going to visit - pregnant or not! But in regards to the part time job... I will NOT be keeping the job for too long should I become pregnant. I have no desire to have a belly and be waitressing. so I feel my days there are limited. I will truly miss the money. TRULY. But I will love having my weekends BACK! Since October I have basically worked Friday/Saturday/Sunday nights with the exception of 2 weekends that I took copmletely off and two weekends where I took one night off. Can I say burnt out again?!...BURNT OUT.
I have had 2 baby related dreams. To this day I believe that the pregnancy I lost was a boy. However, something tells me this time it could just be a girl should I get pregnant. In one dream, I was with a friend and we both picked up a baby. Mine was the pink bundle and hers the blue, and in the dream it was clear that this was MY baby - not me just holding my friend's. In another (more recent) one, I had two girls with me. So, I found those very interesting.
So here I sit...wishing tomorrow would get here already. I like the idea of a February Valentine's Baby coming into my life. We'll see. We'll see. The last few months I have been working, working, workikng my ass off. I am still at the part time job (though starting to get burned out on that) trying to pay down the credit cards. I am making headway. No plans to live in KW this summer, but you NEVER know. Guess we'll see what happens this month. Though I will be going to visit - pregnant or not! But in regards to the part time job... I will NOT be keeping the job for too long should I become pregnant. I have no desire to have a belly and be waitressing. so I feel my days there are limited. I will truly miss the money. TRULY. But I will love having my weekends BACK! Since October I have basically worked Friday/Saturday/Sunday nights with the exception of 2 weekends that I took copmletely off and two weekends where I took one night off. Can I say burnt out again?!...BURNT OUT.
I have had 2 baby related dreams. To this day I believe that the pregnancy I lost was a boy. However, something tells me this time it could just be a girl should I get pregnant. In one dream, I was with a friend and we both picked up a baby. Mine was the pink bundle and hers the blue, and in the dream it was clear that this was MY baby - not me just holding my friend's. In another (more recent) one, I had two girls with me. So, I found those very interesting.
So here I sit...wishing tomorrow would get here already. I like the idea of a February Valentine's Baby coming into my life. We'll see. We'll see.
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