Well...since my coochwa is the topic maybe it is not so off topic after all...
I may have just cured my committment phobia issues if you will. I went and got a bikini wax....and that shit hurt. now what made me go do this....I don't know. Just got a gander to try it.
First pull. Shew. Hmm. I'm okay.
Next pull. Still doing good.
Next. SHIT! That hurt.
Next. Oh shit!!! I started sweating.
The girl assures me the top hurts worse than the bottom.
Next she heads toward the bottom. OOOOOOH SHIT! I'm sweating and nauseus at this point.
Lying bitch!
and on. and on. and on. By the time she was done I was sweating, nauseus, my legs were shaking, and I thought I might cry.
And all I can say after going through this experience is if I'm going to do that to myself then SOMEONE - besides me! - had better be lookin' at it and touchin' it.
and with that said....I'm off to Jax for the weekend! ;)
Friday, August 29, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Babydaddy Take 2
So here we go again. I just got off the phone after placing order number two for my babydaddy. I went with the same donor. The one that I had orginially liked only to be disappointed that I couldn't get, and then disappointed again when I found out he was available, is now once again not available. Sheesh! So once again I take that as I am using the choice I'm supposed to even though there obviously weren't any Michael Phelps sperm in that first group. I am hoping there are going to be some bad ass sperm in this second group that are going to get the job done this go round. Only time will tell, right?
Pros of getting pregnant this go round vs. last go round -
1) Fabulous, Fun-Lovin' Gemini baby!
2) I get an awesome birthday present.
3) I won't have to use very much (if any) of my sick days to go birthin' a baby. It'll be summer vacation.
4) I won't be too poochy for the bridesmaid dress that I have to wear in October.
5) I may be able to get away without having to purchase too many ugly fall/winter maternity clothes. I hate fall/winter colors on me when I'm skinny much less when I might be sporting a basketball under my shirt!
Cons -
1) I'm selfish and don't want to share my birthday with my child. I'd rather they be several days apart. (Is that bad? What?! We both need our own day!)
2) No other cons - I'd be getting a baby. I don't think in terms of cons. (Check back with me when they are throwing a tamtrum at 2 though. haha)
Didn't have the silly feeling this go round. Guess the disappointment is still looming large, so that overshawdowed the excitement that I felt the first go round. But, being the believer I am, everything is going to work out the way it is supposed to.
I just pray the way it "is supposed too" is the same as the way "I want it too".
Pros of getting pregnant this go round vs. last go round -
1) Fabulous, Fun-Lovin' Gemini baby!
2) I get an awesome birthday present.
3) I won't have to use very much (if any) of my sick days to go birthin' a baby. It'll be summer vacation.
4) I won't be too poochy for the bridesmaid dress that I have to wear in October.
5) I may be able to get away without having to purchase too many ugly fall/winter maternity clothes. I hate fall/winter colors on me when I'm skinny much less when I might be sporting a basketball under my shirt!
Cons -
1) I'm selfish and don't want to share my birthday with my child. I'd rather they be several days apart. (Is that bad? What?! We both need our own day!)
2) No other cons - I'd be getting a baby. I don't think in terms of cons. (Check back with me when they are throwing a tamtrum at 2 though. haha)
Didn't have the silly feeling this go round. Guess the disappointment is still looming large, so that overshawdowed the excitement that I felt the first go round. But, being the believer I am, everything is going to work out the way it is supposed to.
I just pray the way it "is supposed too" is the same as the way "I want it too".
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Just so you know...
i'm drunk.
Bottle of wine.
Date with Bud.
Naughty thoughts of men I can't have. Or shouldn't want. And can't have.
Dancin' in my livin' room. Alone.
yeppers. I'm drunk.
Bottle of wine.
Date with Bud.
Naughty thoughts of men I can't have. Or shouldn't want. And can't have.
Dancin' in my livin' room. Alone.
yeppers. I'm drunk.
Spot Watch '08 has ended!
As I sit here with my 3rd glass of wine in hand I am saddened to say "Spot Watch '08" is officially over...for now. Yes, you read that right. I am drinking wine. Therefore I am not knocked up...
Aunt Flo showed up for the party 3 days late. WHAT A FUCKIN' BITCH!
I woke this morning and had three initial thoughts.
1) Sadness. Mixed with disappointment. Topped with a little pouting.
2) The realization that I had one bottle left of the four I ordered from the winery and that I would be drinking it upon arriving home from my weekend trip. (I am doing that now.)
3) September is my month for Bunko, and I can now drink the margaritas that I had planned on making.
I have come to the realization that Big G was probably just testing me to see if i could actually stay sober during a Kenny concert weekend. I did. Water. For two nights. I am strong. Hear me F-IN roar! Grrrrrrr!!!!
I also think he saved me from years of heartache in having a child that was a Taurus. I couldn't even stay married to a Taurus for a year!!! Imagine me, a True Gemini by all accounts of the word, with a child who is a Taurus. So I will try again...this time for a Gemini. Should it occur it may be like a zoo in my house....a wishy washy zoo at that!!! But as Jill so smartly put....We are Gemini's. We are fabulous. That should be come my mantra.
So for now I will remember with fondness the Grande Cafe Mocha I immediately drank upon sight of the Starbucks next to the Wendy's I was at when I had a tampoon blowout this morning. I will enjoy every sip of the wine I am now drinking. Even mama had a drink with me even though I was thinking in my head as she held her glass, "You better not waste ONE drop of my beloved last bottle of wine." And I will think to the upcoming weekend where I will take up my love affair with my Boyfriend, Bud....Bud Light. Oh my God! You've heard of him? I will think to this upcoming weekend and a cute fella I should not want to kiss, but do, and will try to steal a kiss. Don't go getting any ideas in your head. He can never be my babydaddy. Oh but the pretty, pretty, pretty babies we'd make if he could. Sigh.
(Excuse my ramblings. There is a great possibility that I am drunk right now.)
Then in two weeks I will start the process over. Stay tuned. "Spot Watch '08" may have ended....but it is far from over!!!!
Aunt Flo showed up for the party 3 days late. WHAT A FUCKIN' BITCH!
I woke this morning and had three initial thoughts.
1) Sadness. Mixed with disappointment. Topped with a little pouting.
2) The realization that I had one bottle left of the four I ordered from the winery and that I would be drinking it upon arriving home from my weekend trip. (I am doing that now.)
3) September is my month for Bunko, and I can now drink the margaritas that I had planned on making.
I have come to the realization that Big G was probably just testing me to see if i could actually stay sober during a Kenny concert weekend. I did. Water. For two nights. I am strong. Hear me F-IN roar! Grrrrrrr!!!!
I also think he saved me from years of heartache in having a child that was a Taurus. I couldn't even stay married to a Taurus for a year!!! Imagine me, a True Gemini by all accounts of the word, with a child who is a Taurus. So I will try again...this time for a Gemini. Should it occur it may be like a zoo in my house....a wishy washy zoo at that!!! But as Jill so smartly put....We are Gemini's. We are fabulous. That should be come my mantra.
So for now I will remember with fondness the Grande Cafe Mocha I immediately drank upon sight of the Starbucks next to the Wendy's I was at when I had a tampoon blowout this morning. I will enjoy every sip of the wine I am now drinking. Even mama had a drink with me even though I was thinking in my head as she held her glass, "You better not waste ONE drop of my beloved last bottle of wine." And I will think to the upcoming weekend where I will take up my love affair with my Boyfriend, Bud....Bud Light. Oh my God! You've heard of him? I will think to this upcoming weekend and a cute fella I should not want to kiss, but do, and will try to steal a kiss. Don't go getting any ideas in your head. He can never be my babydaddy. Oh but the pretty, pretty, pretty babies we'd make if he could. Sigh.
(Excuse my ramblings. There is a great possibility that I am drunk right now.)
Then in two weeks I will start the process over. Stay tuned. "Spot Watch '08" may have ended....but it is far from over!!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
It's official...I'm a freak!
So yeah...I totally didn't hold off on peeing on my one extra stick. Oh no, not me! Instead I went and bought a box of 3 more (who could pass up the bonus extra?!) which allows me to test every day until Thursday if I want to.
And I want to. So I have.
All BFN's (Big Fat Negatives) - that's baby speak by the way.
And to top it all off, last night I DREAMED about peeing on sticks! In my dreams I couldn't stop peeing on my hands. I woke up twice and had to tell myself that "no, that was a dream. I haven't done it yet." (because I start thinking about peeing on a damn stick the minute I F-in wake up)
Yep. I'm a freak!
So to answer the "any signs or symptoms questions" - I had the *funny* feeling last week. I have had a few days of slight crampings, and the last three days I've had backaches. The other night I was out for my daily walk/run, and when I started running I had to stop because my boobs were hurting from the jiggling. It usually doesn't bother me. Last night I went to bed at 8pm which is NOT normal for me being the night owl that I am. So...I'm either pregnant or my period is going to hit full force on Thursday.
It's a 50/50 odds I guess. And I do love to play some Roulette (usually betting red or black) , so I'm thinking positive and putting all my chips on PREGNANT. LOL However, if I don't win I'll do just like I do in Roulette... and play again!
That's just how I roll.
And I want to. So I have.
All BFN's (Big Fat Negatives) - that's baby speak by the way.
And to top it all off, last night I DREAMED about peeing on sticks! In my dreams I couldn't stop peeing on my hands. I woke up twice and had to tell myself that "no, that was a dream. I haven't done it yet." (because I start thinking about peeing on a damn stick the minute I F-in wake up)
Yep. I'm a freak!
So to answer the "any signs or symptoms questions" - I had the *funny* feeling last week. I have had a few days of slight crampings, and the last three days I've had backaches. The other night I was out for my daily walk/run, and when I started running I had to stop because my boobs were hurting from the jiggling. It usually doesn't bother me. Last night I went to bed at 8pm which is NOT normal for me being the night owl that I am. So...I'm either pregnant or my period is going to hit full force on Thursday.
It's a 50/50 odds I guess. And I do love to play some Roulette (usually betting red or black) , so I'm thinking positive and putting all my chips on PREGNANT. LOL However, if I don't win I'll do just like I do in Roulette... and play again!
That's just how I roll.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The pull of the pee stick
I caved. And caved too early. I totally wasted a perfectly good stick. I couldn't help myself. I just had to start trying. Of course, it was negative. (So I went back to bed).
I imagine this is how an alcoholic feels wanting a drink. I have to clarify that this is how it "must feel" because contrary to some opinions (cough. mama. cough.) I am NOT an alcoholic.
Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. I will wait til Thursday. I solemnly swear not to go buy a bunch more sticks, just to do it every day ... obviously for the sheer thrill of accidentally peeing on my hand, since I know it's too early to be testing.
I imagine this is how an alcoholic feels wanting a drink. I have to clarify that this is how it "must feel" because contrary to some opinions (cough. mama. cough.) I am NOT an alcoholic.
Thursday. Thursday. Thursday. I will wait til Thursday. I solemnly swear not to go buy a bunch more sticks, just to do it every day ... obviously for the sheer thrill of accidentally peeing on my hand, since I know it's too early to be testing.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Is that a cramp or do I have to poo?
So....Melissa keeps asking, "Do you feel anything?" Of course, as we laugh that she is being silly, I say, "no." But the past few days I *think* I have felt some kind of cramping (and according to my research this is a possibility). However, it may be imaginary or it may be that I just need to go take a poo-poo stinky. It started maybe Wednesday or Thursday, and I thought maybe it was just something I ate. Then it was really bad last night. I went for my daily walk and felt really "funny", almost nauseous. Now again, it could have been my huge dinner that I had eaten earlier. But I carried the wierd stomach thing into the night while I was trying to sleep. Now I can understand that it might be stomach pains due to the cheese stick, burger, fries and brownie thingy I ate. But to feel a little cramping this morning after Frosted Flakes and a banana??? Hmmmmm.......
I have also been periodically pushing on my boobs to see if they are sore. Yes. It's official. I'm a freak. But Mary Ann and Ginger are perfectly perky and fine! Sigh.
And to top it all off I had an internal argument with myself this morning to start peeing on a stick. Thursday is the day I probably should wait for since that or Friday is the day I would start my period. But oh no...I wanna do it now. But I also don't want to see negative every morning when once will suffice. So I'm going to wait.....try to wait.
I just pushed on Ginger again. She's still fine. (probably pissed off I won't stop mashing her but fine nonetheless!)
I have also been periodically pushing on my boobs to see if they are sore. Yes. It's official. I'm a freak. But Mary Ann and Ginger are perfectly perky and fine! Sigh.
And to top it all off I had an internal argument with myself this morning to start peeing on a stick. Thursday is the day I probably should wait for since that or Friday is the day I would start my period. But oh no...I wanna do it now. But I also don't want to see negative every morning when once will suffice. So I'm going to wait.....try to wait.
I just pushed on Ginger again. She's still fine. (probably pissed off I won't stop mashing her but fine nonetheless!)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Feeling a little sappy...
I'm going to be a little corny for a minute, but my heart is overflowing with love for my friends right now. All the people that are being so supportive of my decision to have a baby...all the people that think that a child will be so lucky to have ME as a a Mom . I really want to cry. (And I'm really tearing up right now. Seriously. I'm such a sap in my older age.) Obviously I'm talking about people that it doesn't even cross their minds to ask me, "are you SURE you want to do this?" When in all reality, and probably contrary to my recent post, the positive people really do outweigh the questioning people.
Tonight I went to hang out with some very dear friends and play Bunko. I've been with this Bunko group for several years now - ever since I moved back to WR. Some of the people have changed over the years, but I love these women with all my heart. They range in age from about two years younger than me to my mom's age. Two have known me since I was born. One has been one of my dearest, closest, best friends since we were in junior high. I am only letting a few people in on what I've done. My Bunko girls had known that I was going to go this baby route. We haven't seen each other in two months, and a friend overheard me and Tonya talking tonight. When she heard I told her and then the rest. The whoops of excitement that came forth from two of my friends almost made me bust with happiness!!! It was so awesome. Two or three others continued to show their support and tell me just how happy they were for me throughout the night.
Not one of them even questioned if I was ready. Or if I was sure. Or if I knew what I was going to have to give up. They just think I'm going to be a great mom. And that I deserve this. And for that I want to thank them so much. I don't really know if T, T, D, J, N, and A really know how happy their true excitement for me meant. Alot. It made me feel like I'm not doing anything stupid. Or wrong. Or bad. They didn't treat me with hesitation or concern because I'm not married, not in a relationship.
They treated me just like any other person that is trying to have a baby and who so desperately wants one.
So to all my friends and family who are on my side.... Thank you. The love you have shown me means the world to me. And my child will have the best and coolest Aunts in the world!!!
Tonight I went to hang out with some very dear friends and play Bunko. I've been with this Bunko group for several years now - ever since I moved back to WR. Some of the people have changed over the years, but I love these women with all my heart. They range in age from about two years younger than me to my mom's age. Two have known me since I was born. One has been one of my dearest, closest, best friends since we were in junior high. I am only letting a few people in on what I've done. My Bunko girls had known that I was going to go this baby route. We haven't seen each other in two months, and a friend overheard me and Tonya talking tonight. When she heard I told her and then the rest. The whoops of excitement that came forth from two of my friends almost made me bust with happiness!!! It was so awesome. Two or three others continued to show their support and tell me just how happy they were for me throughout the night.
Not one of them even questioned if I was ready. Or if I was sure. Or if I knew what I was going to have to give up. They just think I'm going to be a great mom. And that I deserve this. And for that I want to thank them so much. I don't really know if T, T, D, J, N, and A really know how happy their true excitement for me meant. Alot. It made me feel like I'm not doing anything stupid. Or wrong. Or bad. They didn't treat me with hesitation or concern because I'm not married, not in a relationship.
They treated me just like any other person that is trying to have a baby and who so desperately wants one.
So to all my friends and family who are on my side.... Thank you. The love you have shown me means the world to me. And my child will have the best and coolest Aunts in the world!!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Time To Think
Do you know why I prefer walking around my neighborhood with nothing but tunes coming from my Ipod than going to the gym? Becuase at the gym I have to have a magazine or book or tv show on or there is no way I can stay on the machine for the 30 to 60 minutes I want to. But walking around my neighborhood I can't read or watch T.V., so all I have time to do during my hour long trek is think. And I like to spend time lost in thought. Lost in thought about things going on past, present, and future. Lost in thought about life in general. So tonight as I walked, I was once again lost in thought about my recent decisions and how they will affect my life.
And as I walked, my mind turned to one event - one event that has always played an important role in my life. And with that thought looming large in my mind I asked myself, "OMG! If I am pregnant what in the hell can I be for Halloween?!"
Seriously. This is major. Thank God I had an hour to think of this. For those of you that know me know that the great ideas, the numero uno Halloween ideas come to me rather quickly - the Kissing Bandit and Kissing Booth in a mere matter of minutes driving down I-95.....the Tootsie Roll Pop driving down Abercorn....my overwhelming desire last year to sport an afro and tube socks. Really....did we ever really think I'd be able to top those?
But once again I dug deep into my Halloween Spirit Reserve and pulled out THE MOST FANTASTIC, AWESOME, VERY HUMOROUS IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF Halloween idea ever....or at least for a pregnant woman. (Acutally I think this one is quite good for a non-pregnant woman too!)
But never fear....should my positive thinking that 8-8-08 was indeed a lucky day for me fail, then I will do as I have done in the past and give my Halloween idea to my very dear and pregnant BFF Melissa!
But...BUT....don't ask what it is. It's a secret, and it's soooo gooooooood! heehee
And as I walked, my mind turned to one event - one event that has always played an important role in my life. And with that thought looming large in my mind I asked myself, "OMG! If I am pregnant what in the hell can I be for Halloween?!"
Seriously. This is major. Thank God I had an hour to think of this. For those of you that know me know that the great ideas, the numero uno Halloween ideas come to me rather quickly - the Kissing Bandit and Kissing Booth in a mere matter of minutes driving down I-95.....the Tootsie Roll Pop driving down Abercorn....my overwhelming desire last year to sport an afro and tube socks. Really....did we ever really think I'd be able to top those?
But once again I dug deep into my Halloween Spirit Reserve and pulled out THE MOST FANTASTIC, AWESOME, VERY HUMOROUS IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF Halloween idea ever....or at least for a pregnant woman. (Acutally I think this one is quite good for a non-pregnant woman too!)
But never fear....should my positive thinking that 8-8-08 was indeed a lucky day for me fail, then I will do as I have done in the past and give my Halloween idea to my very dear and pregnant BFF Melissa!
But...BUT....don't ask what it is. It's a secret, and it's soooo gooooooood! heehee
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Wanna piss me off?! :(
Fair warning...the following post may contain an F-Bomb. If strategically placed F-Bombs offend you may want to stop reading. (but if you do stop reading please make sure to ask someone else what NOT to say so as NOT to piss me off!!! hahahaha) But first let me step onto my soapbox...
So I say again...Wanna piss me off?
Ask me the following question....or something along the lines of the following questions....
"Are you SURE you are ready for this?" or "I mean, you can't give it back." or "It's different than a dog."
WTF?! are you kiddin' me?! Do you think I'm a fuckin' idiot?! This is what I think when people ask me this. I *KNOW* you can't give it back. Ummmm....and I'm kinda intelligent enough to know that a baby IS different than a dog. And from what I understand most mothers find out that they are truly NEVER ready to have a child. It's a big responsibility that is going to come along with both joys and heartache. And ya know....it comes regardless of if you are married or not. Whether you are 25 or 35. It's almost like saying that married couples don't have fun and interesting lives - like me - up until they have a child. (Well some don't but all you can do is pray for them because they were probably boring ass people before they got married - but that isn't the point to my story) And guess what....most married couples I know with children are still interesting, still fun, and still are able to be very similiar, if not the same people at heart, they were "BC" - before children.
It pisses me off because most people wouldn't be asking me those things if I was some married person trying to have a child. Oh no! I mean....i could be 21 or 25 and still married and everyone would probably be all, "ahhhh that is so exciting. yeahhh! "
But I'm 35 years old and get that shit?! Again...I ask.....WHAT.THE.FUCK.
Yes. I have fun. I have more fun in one day than some people have in a lifetime. But do people really think I want to be some perpetual party animal until I'm 80 and on my deathbed?! Yes! I am single. Yes! I like to travel. Yes! I like my life. But I also know that this is not the way I want to spend it until I'm dead. Sure, some people want to travel the world until they can't do it anymore. But all my freakin' life I've wanted to be a mom. Sure....If I knew that my eggs were still going to be perfectly a-oky in 10 years I might wait. But I might not becuase I also know I don't want to be near death's door age wise as my children grow up.
you know what?! I *do* want to be the 80 year old granny raising hell and kissin' all the old farts at the nursing home. But I want to be that way with my 45 year old son or daughter (and their children) pouring the vodka and metamucil into my drink and pushing my wheelchair!!! Until then - anyone that thinks I'm not going to be the best mom that I can be, teaching my children right from wrong, raising them with some morals (though they may possibly misplace them from the ages of 13 - 35), and put them first and foremost above every single other thing in my life....well....that person doesn't know JACKSHIT...or me for that matter.
Stepping down off my soapbox (muttering under my breath because I'm still worked up about this topic)......
And on an off baby topic totally unrelated to my rant above... I FINALLY....and TOTALLY UNINTENTIONALLY.....met my dad's wife for the first time today. You know....the one he's been with for 2 years? And I can't decide if she looks like a pekingnese or a pug. Way to go grandpa. Sheesh.
So I say again...Wanna piss me off?
Ask me the following question....or something along the lines of the following questions....
"Are you SURE you are ready for this?" or "I mean, you can't give it back." or "It's different than a dog."
WTF?! are you kiddin' me?! Do you think I'm a fuckin' idiot?! This is what I think when people ask me this. I *KNOW* you can't give it back. Ummmm....and I'm kinda intelligent enough to know that a baby IS different than a dog. And from what I understand most mothers find out that they are truly NEVER ready to have a child. It's a big responsibility that is going to come along with both joys and heartache. And ya know....it comes regardless of if you are married or not. Whether you are 25 or 35. It's almost like saying that married couples don't have fun and interesting lives - like me - up until they have a child. (Well some don't but all you can do is pray for them because they were probably boring ass people before they got married - but that isn't the point to my story) And guess what....most married couples I know with children are still interesting, still fun, and still are able to be very similiar, if not the same people at heart, they were "BC" - before children.
It pisses me off because most people wouldn't be asking me those things if I was some married person trying to have a child. Oh no! I mean....i could be 21 or 25 and still married and everyone would probably be all, "ahhhh that is so exciting. yeahhh! "
But I'm 35 years old and get that shit?! Again...I ask.....WHAT.THE.FUCK.
Yes. I have fun. I have more fun in one day than some people have in a lifetime. But do people really think I want to be some perpetual party animal until I'm 80 and on my deathbed?! Yes! I am single. Yes! I like to travel. Yes! I like my life. But I also know that this is not the way I want to spend it until I'm dead. Sure, some people want to travel the world until they can't do it anymore. But all my freakin' life I've wanted to be a mom. Sure....If I knew that my eggs were still going to be perfectly a-oky in 10 years I might wait. But I might not becuase I also know I don't want to be near death's door age wise as my children grow up.
you know what?! I *do* want to be the 80 year old granny raising hell and kissin' all the old farts at the nursing home. But I want to be that way with my 45 year old son or daughter (and their children) pouring the vodka and metamucil into my drink and pushing my wheelchair!!! Until then - anyone that thinks I'm not going to be the best mom that I can be, teaching my children right from wrong, raising them with some morals (though they may possibly misplace them from the ages of 13 - 35), and put them first and foremost above every single other thing in my life....well....that person doesn't know JACKSHIT...or me for that matter.
Stepping down off my soapbox (muttering under my breath because I'm still worked up about this topic)......
And on an off baby topic totally unrelated to my rant above... I FINALLY....and TOTALLY UNINTENTIONALLY.....met my dad's wife for the first time today. You know....the one he's been with for 2 years? And I can't decide if she looks like a pekingnese or a pug. Way to go grandpa. Sheesh.
Monday, August 11, 2008
That's my Mama, bless her heart!
So everyone is being very supportive of my decision to become a mama. Of course, everyone would LOVE to see Mr. "Right For Me" swoop in and carry me off into the Key West Sunset, but it just ain't happening at the moment. And, don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up on that happening. I truly believe it will. But I can't be puttin' the girls on hold. They aren't gettin' any younger, ya know?!
But on with my point... my Mama seems to be the last one on the fence about all of this major life altering brou-ha-ha. It helps when she hears people her age defend and support my decision. on saturday, the day after I did the IUI, I walked in where she and her best friend were sitting and announced "I did it." Though she knew this was all in the works she had not known it was going to happen Friday. It blew them away and Mama, being Mama, had that look of concern and hesitation on her face. She wants to know what I'm going to tell people, tell the child, etc. "What do I tell my friends?" she asked. I told her exactly this, "I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about what I'm doing. First of all, if they are friends of yours/mine you can tell them exactly what I'm telling you. That I am 35 years old and have been single for 12 years. That I haven't even gone on a 3rd date in 12 years! I want to be a mom, and I have the option to try. I am not going to miss out on my opportunity because 'he' hasn't shown up yet. He might show up in 5 years, but I wont' take that chance with my ability to have a baby. And if they aren't friends, but are strangers, you don't have to tell them anything but that I am having a baby and am going to be a single mom - that the father isn't going to be in the picture."
And that is truly how I feel. The people know and love me will support me and who really gives a shit about the rest? So the three of us talked about it some more and then she went to the restroom to finish doing her hair. All of a sudden I hear her yell from the bathroom, "YOU DID IT YESTERDAY?!" Then she came around the corner with her hair all jacked up from her curler she was in the midst of taking out and says again, "YOU DID IT YESTERDAY?" Me- knowing mama as well as I do - knew EXACTLY where she was going with this and replied, "Yes, Mama. I did it on 8-8-08." She squealed, "OMG! This is so going to work then. It's going to happen. I was sitting there yesterday thinking that something special had to happen on 8-8-08!!!" She's a hoot that's for sure.
Later on after we met up for dinner she had bought me a tee-shirt that I could wear on spirit day when the high schools were having their rivalry games. She wanted to make sure she had bought the right size. When I commented I wear a medium but the large would be fine she said, "Well. You might be pregnant." :)
She's coming around.
But on with my point... my Mama seems to be the last one on the fence about all of this major life altering brou-ha-ha. It helps when she hears people her age defend and support my decision. on saturday, the day after I did the IUI, I walked in where she and her best friend were sitting and announced "I did it." Though she knew this was all in the works she had not known it was going to happen Friday. It blew them away and Mama, being Mama, had that look of concern and hesitation on her face. She wants to know what I'm going to tell people, tell the child, etc. "What do I tell my friends?" she asked. I told her exactly this, "I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about what I'm doing. First of all, if they are friends of yours/mine you can tell them exactly what I'm telling you. That I am 35 years old and have been single for 12 years. That I haven't even gone on a 3rd date in 12 years! I want to be a mom, and I have the option to try. I am not going to miss out on my opportunity because 'he' hasn't shown up yet. He might show up in 5 years, but I wont' take that chance with my ability to have a baby. And if they aren't friends, but are strangers, you don't have to tell them anything but that I am having a baby and am going to be a single mom - that the father isn't going to be in the picture."
And that is truly how I feel. The people know and love me will support me and who really gives a shit about the rest? So the three of us talked about it some more and then she went to the restroom to finish doing her hair. All of a sudden I hear her yell from the bathroom, "YOU DID IT YESTERDAY?!" Then she came around the corner with her hair all jacked up from her curler she was in the midst of taking out and says again, "YOU DID IT YESTERDAY?" Me- knowing mama as well as I do - knew EXACTLY where she was going with this and replied, "Yes, Mama. I did it on 8-8-08." She squealed, "OMG! This is so going to work then. It's going to happen. I was sitting there yesterday thinking that something special had to happen on 8-8-08!!!" She's a hoot that's for sure.
Later on after we met up for dinner she had bought me a tee-shirt that I could wear on spirit day when the high schools were having their rivalry games. She wanted to make sure she had bought the right size. When I commented I wear a medium but the large would be fine she said, "Well. You might be pregnant." :)
She's coming around.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I Believe God Drinks Coca-Cola
Myth: A pregnant woman should not consume ANY caffeine.
Fact: Experts and studies have stated that "moderate" levels of caffeine have not been found to have a negative effect on pregnancy. The definition of "moderate" varies anywhere from 150 mg - 300 mg a day.
With a dull headache in my noggin which started last night (so much for 4 pm), I began doing some research this morning and found that *a* cup of coffee has between 150-300 mg of caffeine (I tend to drink 3) while a lovely coca-cola has only 35.5 mg...35.5!.... of caffeine. And get this...diet coke has even more with 45 mg! So my research has led me to the following conclusion....
God is a good God, and he's a Coca-Cola drinker to boot!
I'm going to the grocery store cuz this sister has to wean herself! Goin' cold turkey is obviously not for me!
Edited 30 minutes later to say, "Ahhhhh."
Fact: Experts and studies have stated that "moderate" levels of caffeine have not been found to have a negative effect on pregnancy. The definition of "moderate" varies anywhere from 150 mg - 300 mg a day.
With a dull headache in my noggin which started last night (so much for 4 pm), I began doing some research this morning and found that *a* cup of coffee has between 150-300 mg of caffeine (I tend to drink 3) while a lovely coca-cola has only 35.5 mg...35.5!.... of caffeine. And get this...diet coke has even more with 45 mg! So my research has led me to the following conclusion....
God is a good God, and he's a Coca-Cola drinker to boot!
I'm going to the grocery store cuz this sister has to wean herself! Goin' cold turkey is obviously not for me!
Edited 30 minutes later to say, "Ahhhhh."
Saturday, August 9, 2008
All hell could break loose this afternoon!
For those of you who were lucky enough to meet my fabulous Mema (God love her!) you may not know we had a nickname for her. And it was "Polly Pessimistic". (and it was Polly Pissimistic if she was being extremely pessimistic AND pissy at the same time). I may very very much take after in a lot of ways but not in that one.
Because *I* am a positive thinker.
So with that character trait in place I chose not to have coffee this morning. (oh shut up..I know I told y'all yesterday I ran out, and y'all probably know I'm too lazy to go get some right after I wake up) I looked at the coffee pot and thought, "not today." Really, if there is any chance that "the boys" are fighting their way into my egg right now I am not going to take the chance of jacking them all up on caffeine and have then nutting up before they get in to create my child. I didn't have to have ritalin. I am hoping to God my babydaddy didn't have to have ritalin. So I'm going to do all I can to make sure this possible child doesn't need it. (These are the types of things I fret about)
But check back with me...becuase come 4 pm I may be the one going off the deep end like King Kong, running all over this city for my fix of caffiene so as not to kill someone!
Because *I* am a positive thinker.
So with that character trait in place I chose not to have coffee this morning. (oh shut up..I know I told y'all yesterday I ran out, and y'all probably know I'm too lazy to go get some right after I wake up) I looked at the coffee pot and thought, "not today." Really, if there is any chance that "the boys" are fighting their way into my egg right now I am not going to take the chance of jacking them all up on caffeine and have then nutting up before they get in to create my child. I didn't have to have ritalin. I am hoping to God my babydaddy didn't have to have ritalin. So I'm going to do all I can to make sure this possible child doesn't need it. (These are the types of things I fret about)
But check back with me...becuase come 4 pm I may be the one going off the deep end like King Kong, running all over this city for my fix of caffiene so as not to kill someone!
Friday, August 8, 2008
So am I a slut if I had a "one vial stand"?!
It's done. I did it. Holy shit!
8-8-08! J sent me a text last night that that date sounds like a "damn lucky date" to her. And 8 *is* my favorite number. She also called "boy" for me (love her positive vibes that this will work the first time - although I think it's just the fact that she is dealing with a teenage stepdaughter and has come to realize she wouldn't wish a girl on her worst enemy! LOL)
So there goes the signs again - the date and on top of that it hit me that I poured my last bit of coffee grounds into my coffee pot this morning! Could it be? Another sign? Two weeks time will tell I guess!
I hopped in my car this morning and rushed to the doctor's office. The nurse (who also happens to be someone I grew up going to church with - gotta love it) had called and asked if I could get there earlier. I told her that I could leave 15 minutes earlier, but that that was it. So off I went like Dale Jr at Talladega (there's that 8 reference again) and rushed into the office.
The first funny that happened (and you gotta admit this whole situation is a bit comical...but with serious undertones, of course) was that I ran in and the nurse had the paperwork ready for me to sign and said, "Sign right here and we'll go warm up your boys." Still makes me giggle when I think of her saying that. I got on the phone with M while in the waiting room. She and I were making sex jokes and I commented that it would be a "quickie". Then off to the actual room...duh, duh, duuuum!
Dr. C and the nurse came in, and we chatted. Then I had to verify my babydaddy, and when I saw the small vial all I could think was, "Really? That small amount. Sheesh. All the guys I've been with in the past had more than that!!!!" But you gotta thank technology because they can pull all the good swimmers out and get rid of the wimpy weak asses! Woohoo! After that I laid back and did my job....to lay there. All the while I was telling the nurse about mine and M's convo on the phone. She was laughing at me.
Dr. C got underway, and basically the three of us chatted like we were having a chat over coffee instead of a chat over me on my back with my legs spread and knees in the air. Seriously, my life could be a comedy...and it would win a fucking Oscar I tell ya! ;) The whole thing from the time Dr. C got started took maybe 5 minutes if not less (hmmph. Not much difference with a guy.) I looked up at the doctor and said, "That's it?!" (again...not much different than what you sometimes think after sex with a guy! haha) He replied, "That's it."
And, of course, me being me I *had* to be my humorous witty self and said, "So, Dr. C. was it as good for you as it was for me?!" Yes. I did. And he laughed. So did the nurse. They left the room because I basically had to sit there with my knees still up for 15 minutes. I put my Ipod on and listened to some Kenny. I figured a little Kenny (the Be As You Are C.D. if you are wondering) would be the perfect "getting knocked up" music. That CD always relaxes me, and I felt "the boys" needed a relaxing ride north. As I laid there I just smiled. Then I would laugh. Then I would smile again.
So there you go. In and out in under an hour. It's done. I got dressed, went to the mall to return something (and I won't tell you that there was an amazing clearance sale at Gymboree, so don't ask) and ventured home to lay on my couch. I did stop by T's, and when I walked into her kitchen, before I even said hey, I surprised her and C by yelling, "There is sperm in me!!!!"
Two weeks until I know. Until y'all know. What is meant to be will be. That's what I believe.
8-8-08! J sent me a text last night that that date sounds like a "damn lucky date" to her. And 8 *is* my favorite number. She also called "boy" for me (love her positive vibes that this will work the first time - although I think it's just the fact that she is dealing with a teenage stepdaughter and has come to realize she wouldn't wish a girl on her worst enemy! LOL)
So there goes the signs again - the date and on top of that it hit me that I poured my last bit of coffee grounds into my coffee pot this morning! Could it be? Another sign? Two weeks time will tell I guess!
I hopped in my car this morning and rushed to the doctor's office. The nurse (who also happens to be someone I grew up going to church with - gotta love it) had called and asked if I could get there earlier. I told her that I could leave 15 minutes earlier, but that that was it. So off I went like Dale Jr at Talladega (there's that 8 reference again) and rushed into the office.
The first funny that happened (and you gotta admit this whole situation is a bit comical...but with serious undertones, of course) was that I ran in and the nurse had the paperwork ready for me to sign and said, "Sign right here and we'll go warm up your boys." Still makes me giggle when I think of her saying that. I got on the phone with M while in the waiting room. She and I were making sex jokes and I commented that it would be a "quickie". Then off to the actual room...duh, duh, duuuum!
Dr. C and the nurse came in, and we chatted. Then I had to verify my babydaddy, and when I saw the small vial all I could think was, "Really? That small amount. Sheesh. All the guys I've been with in the past had more than that!!!!" But you gotta thank technology because they can pull all the good swimmers out and get rid of the wimpy weak asses! Woohoo! After that I laid back and did my job....to lay there. All the while I was telling the nurse about mine and M's convo on the phone. She was laughing at me.
Dr. C got underway, and basically the three of us chatted like we were having a chat over coffee instead of a chat over me on my back with my legs spread and knees in the air. Seriously, my life could be a comedy...and it would win a fucking Oscar I tell ya! ;) The whole thing from the time Dr. C got started took maybe 5 minutes if not less (hmmph. Not much difference with a guy.) I looked up at the doctor and said, "That's it?!" (again...not much different than what you sometimes think after sex with a guy! haha) He replied, "That's it."
And, of course, me being me I *had* to be my humorous witty self and said, "So, Dr. C. was it as good for you as it was for me?!" Yes. I did. And he laughed. So did the nurse. They left the room because I basically had to sit there with my knees still up for 15 minutes. I put my Ipod on and listened to some Kenny. I figured a little Kenny (the Be As You Are C.D. if you are wondering) would be the perfect "getting knocked up" music. That CD always relaxes me, and I felt "the boys" needed a relaxing ride north. As I laid there I just smiled. Then I would laugh. Then I would smile again.
So there you go. In and out in under an hour. It's done. I got dressed, went to the mall to return something (and I won't tell you that there was an amazing clearance sale at Gymboree, so don't ask) and ventured home to lay on my couch. I did stop by T's, and when I walked into her kitchen, before I even said hey, I surprised her and C by yelling, "There is sperm in me!!!!"
Two weeks until I know. Until y'all know. What is meant to be will be. That's what I believe.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Hello K.U.?!
No. I'm not going to a Keith Urban concert. But if he's playing somewhere close and you have tickets please invite me.
Nope. Tomorrow is it. I'm venturing into the world of trying to get KU'd - Knocked Up!
And I am not even going to tell you how many freakin' ovulation sticks I've peed on!!! Okay, you twisted my arm. 23! And, honestly, that doesn't mean I'm an overachiever. It probably just means I'm a paranoid, impatient freak that doesn't follow directions. hee The nurse told me when to start taking them, but then the directions on the kit said something else. So I went with the kit directions but did it twice a day like the nurse said. (I'm a teacher...I guess I just want to use all my strategies to be successful on my "test". har har har)
So I had the 20 supply box which I ran out of yesterday because I got so freaked out I wasn't seeing a positive result that I thought I was doing it wrong. So I would do it again later. I mean all you ever hear is 14 days! 14 days! Well, that is all fine and dandy if you are a 28 day cycle girl. Oh no...not me. I'm a 30 day girl. That means I ovulate around day 16. And guess what tomorrow is?! Oh yeah baby! Day 16. I did it this morning and... nothing. So I took a damn stick to work with me (in my lunch box no less - in case I forgot) and.. BINGO! Dark pink line says "It's time!" I love that many ovulation and pregnancy kits show a pink line. To steal one of my favorite lines from another fantastic Shelby - "Pink is my signature color!" Let's hope this holds true toward the end of the month when I go to pee on that next stick!
I called my nurse and we are going to shoot for tomorrow if all works out with the doctor's schedule. Because, of course, my body *would* want to do all this on a Friday - which is always the worst day to see a doctor! So crossing my fingers and sayin' my prayers on that one. (Would you go ahead and cross your fingers and say your prayers for me too? Thanks.)
And y'all know that I'm one that is big on "signs" or "feelings". Well I have had two that make me think this is really going to work. That this is *really* going to happen. The first was when H was at my house last weekend and I was online showing her my "babydaddy." Remember how I said my first choice was unavailable. Well, wouldn't you know, there is previous choice numero uno, and his profile had changed and he was available!!! I thought about gettin' ticked but then thought, "Well. that just means the one I picked is the one I was supposed to pick." Right?
Then tonight as I stood in the door of my frig pondering dinner I got another feeling. I picked up that last yummy bottle of wine and caressed it like a long lost lover. And I swear it whispered in the softest of sounds, "Drink me." Not only that but the faint tune of "Closing Time" began to start - so softly but I swear I could hear it start. However, I put the wine down. But let's be honest... only because I knew I'd drink the whole damn thing and be hungover tomorrow when I'm getting foreign objects and sperm stuck up in me!
And the tunes of "Closing Time" (from wherever it was coming) that had started so softly at first came louder and I swear I could hear "closing time, one last call for alcohol, so finish your whiskey or beer...." And with the lyrics starting to get louder and ring in my ears, and my mouth starting to water, I picked up the last bottle of icy cold Bud Light, left over from some party or other- ahh my sweet, sweet Bud - and I swear he screamed, "BITCH! YOU BETTER DRINK ME NOW! LAST CHANCE!"
I swear that's what he said. I just know it. ;)
Nope. Tomorrow is it. I'm venturing into the world of trying to get KU'd - Knocked Up!
And I am not even going to tell you how many freakin' ovulation sticks I've peed on!!! Okay, you twisted my arm. 23! And, honestly, that doesn't mean I'm an overachiever. It probably just means I'm a paranoid, impatient freak that doesn't follow directions. hee The nurse told me when to start taking them, but then the directions on the kit said something else. So I went with the kit directions but did it twice a day like the nurse said. (I'm a teacher...I guess I just want to use all my strategies to be successful on my "test". har har har)
So I had the 20 supply box which I ran out of yesterday because I got so freaked out I wasn't seeing a positive result that I thought I was doing it wrong. So I would do it again later. I mean all you ever hear is 14 days! 14 days! Well, that is all fine and dandy if you are a 28 day cycle girl. Oh no...not me. I'm a 30 day girl. That means I ovulate around day 16. And guess what tomorrow is?! Oh yeah baby! Day 16. I did it this morning and... nothing. So I took a damn stick to work with me (in my lunch box no less - in case I forgot) and.. BINGO! Dark pink line says "It's time!" I love that many ovulation and pregnancy kits show a pink line. To steal one of my favorite lines from another fantastic Shelby - "Pink is my signature color!" Let's hope this holds true toward the end of the month when I go to pee on that next stick!
I called my nurse and we are going to shoot for tomorrow if all works out with the doctor's schedule. Because, of course, my body *would* want to do all this on a Friday - which is always the worst day to see a doctor! So crossing my fingers and sayin' my prayers on that one. (Would you go ahead and cross your fingers and say your prayers for me too? Thanks.)
And y'all know that I'm one that is big on "signs" or "feelings". Well I have had two that make me think this is really going to work. That this is *really* going to happen. The first was when H was at my house last weekend and I was online showing her my "babydaddy." Remember how I said my first choice was unavailable. Well, wouldn't you know, there is previous choice numero uno, and his profile had changed and he was available!!! I thought about gettin' ticked but then thought, "Well. that just means the one I picked is the one I was supposed to pick." Right?
Then tonight as I stood in the door of my frig pondering dinner I got another feeling. I picked up that last yummy bottle of wine and caressed it like a long lost lover. And I swear it whispered in the softest of sounds, "Drink me." Not only that but the faint tune of "Closing Time" began to start - so softly but I swear I could hear it start. However, I put the wine down. But let's be honest... only because I knew I'd drink the whole damn thing and be hungover tomorrow when I'm getting foreign objects and sperm stuck up in me!
And the tunes of "Closing Time" (from wherever it was coming) that had started so softly at first came louder and I swear I could hear "closing time, one last call for alcohol, so finish your whiskey or beer...." And with the lyrics starting to get louder and ring in my ears, and my mouth starting to water, I picked up the last bottle of icy cold Bud Light, left over from some party or other- ahh my sweet, sweet Bud - and I swear he screamed, "BITCH! YOU BETTER DRINK ME NOW! LAST CHANCE!"
I swear that's what he said. I just know it. ;)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
My Fears....
I've got to say that since I have babies on the brain these days I read/research alot. And in doing that there is a lot of things that could really freak one out. But I'll have you know that my biggest fear isn't the following:
1) being pregnant - gaining weight, morning sickness, fat swollen feet, or the myriad of things a pregnant lady deals with
2) birth or the worry that you could poop right on the doctor while you are pushing!
3) the epidural
4) being a single mom
Oh no. It's none of those. My biggest fear is that my children won't be nearly as cute as my brother's kids!!! Seriously?! have y'all SEEN the recent pix of these two? They are gorgeous, and that's not just the rantings of a very proud aunt! MY BROTHER DUN GOOD!
(p.s. Okay. so I *kinda* lied. I am freaked out about an epidural and pooping on the doctor)
1) being pregnant - gaining weight, morning sickness, fat swollen feet, or the myriad of things a pregnant lady deals with
2) birth or the worry that you could poop right on the doctor while you are pushing!
3) the epidural
4) being a single mom
Oh no. It's none of those. My biggest fear is that my children won't be nearly as cute as my brother's kids!!! Seriously?! have y'all SEEN the recent pix of these two? They are gorgeous, and that's not just the rantings of a very proud aunt! MY BROTHER DUN GOOD!
(p.s. Okay. so I *kinda* lied. I am freaked out about an epidural and pooping on the doctor)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
A Toast To Ovulation!
Recently M - in her pregnant state - made the funniest remark of "You realize what an alcoholic you are once you get pregnant and can't have it anymore!" LOL Never fear M....on your delivery day I, as your bestest buddy, will bring with me one bottle of the expensive champagne to celebrate the end of your no alcohol run - oops - I mean birth of your child. ;)
So a week or so ago I ordered four bottles of wine from this winery in St. Augustine that I like. This is some good stuff let me tell ya. Anyways, it probably wasn't one of my brightest moves seeing as I WANT to get pregnant and if everything works out those bottles are going to collect dust. With those thoughts in my head (I mean let's not let good wine collect dust) I invited two friends from work over to help me drink it - kinda like a celebration for the upcoming school year. Sometimes you just have to celebrate! My friend, A, had to back out so it was just me and H...and four bottles of wine.
Friends that know me well...you so know what's coming, don't you?! hee
Well....6 hours and 3 bottles of wine later H and I were still just running our mouths about everything. She even ventured a peek into my "no longer secret" baby stash! Ha!
3 bottles. Good grief. I mean in all reality (and if everything works in my favor) that was my LAST alcohol for the next nine months. HOLY SHIT, RIGHT?!
So again I say - why let that perfectly good wine collect dust?! We both thought not. And a VERY relaxing evening and good time ensued. Though I found out - via tipsy text messaging that *I* did not start by the way - that someone that I could be attracted to sees me as a "big sister." Damn it! No wonder he won't hit on me! Sigh. But that's another story for another day.
So everyone grab a glass and raise it in the air - here's to my impending ovulation to come in the next few days. May everything work and those 3 bottles of wine last night be the last alcohol to touch my lips for months to come!
In all seriousness....contrary to what my mother and some friends probably think...it's not the alcohol I fear giving up. It's caffiene. Oh boy. It may be a rough year for my students!
So a week or so ago I ordered four bottles of wine from this winery in St. Augustine that I like. This is some good stuff let me tell ya. Anyways, it probably wasn't one of my brightest moves seeing as I WANT to get pregnant and if everything works out those bottles are going to collect dust. With those thoughts in my head (I mean let's not let good wine collect dust) I invited two friends from work over to help me drink it - kinda like a celebration for the upcoming school year. Sometimes you just have to celebrate! My friend, A, had to back out so it was just me and H...and four bottles of wine.
Friends that know me well...you so know what's coming, don't you?! hee
Well....6 hours and 3 bottles of wine later H and I were still just running our mouths about everything. She even ventured a peek into my "no longer secret" baby stash! Ha!
3 bottles. Good grief. I mean in all reality (and if everything works in my favor) that was my LAST alcohol for the next nine months. HOLY SHIT, RIGHT?!
So again I say - why let that perfectly good wine collect dust?! We both thought not. And a VERY relaxing evening and good time ensued. Though I found out - via tipsy text messaging that *I* did not start by the way - that someone that I could be attracted to sees me as a "big sister." Damn it! No wonder he won't hit on me! Sigh. But that's another story for another day.
So everyone grab a glass and raise it in the air - here's to my impending ovulation to come in the next few days. May everything work and those 3 bottles of wine last night be the last alcohol to touch my lips for months to come!
In all seriousness....contrary to what my mother and some friends probably think...it's not the alcohol I fear giving up. It's caffiene. Oh boy. It may be a rough year for my students!
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