Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hello K.U.?!

No. I'm not going to a Keith Urban concert. But if he's playing somewhere close and you have tickets please invite me.

Nope. Tomorrow is it. I'm venturing into the world of trying to get KU'd - Knocked Up!

And I am not even going to tell you how many freakin' ovulation sticks I've peed on!!! Okay, you twisted my arm. 23! And, honestly, that doesn't mean I'm an overachiever. It probably just means I'm a paranoid, impatient freak that doesn't follow directions. hee The nurse told me when to start taking them, but then the directions on the kit said something else. So I went with the kit directions but did it twice a day like the nurse said. (I'm a teacher...I guess I just want to use all my strategies to be successful on my "test". har har har)

So I had the 20 supply box which I ran out of yesterday because I got so freaked out I wasn't seeing a positive result that I thought I was doing it wrong. So I would do it again later. I mean all you ever hear is 14 days! 14 days! Well, that is all fine and dandy if you are a 28 day cycle girl. Oh no...not me. I'm a 30 day girl. That means I ovulate around day 16. And guess what tomorrow is?! Oh yeah baby! Day 16. I did it this morning and... nothing. So I took a damn stick to work with me (in my lunch box no less - in case I forgot) and.. BINGO! Dark pink line says "It's time!" I love that many ovulation and pregnancy kits show a pink line. To steal one of my favorite lines from another fantastic Shelby - "Pink is my signature color!" Let's hope this holds true toward the end of the month when I go to pee on that next stick!

I called my nurse and we are going to shoot for tomorrow if all works out with the doctor's schedule. Because, of course, my body *would* want to do all this on a Friday - which is always the worst day to see a doctor! So crossing my fingers and sayin' my prayers on that one. (Would you go ahead and cross your fingers and say your prayers for me too? Thanks.)

And y'all know that I'm one that is big on "signs" or "feelings". Well I have had two that make me think this is really going to work. That this is *really* going to happen. The first was when H was at my house last weekend and I was online showing her my "babydaddy." Remember how I said my first choice was unavailable. Well, wouldn't you know, there is previous choice numero uno, and his profile had changed and he was available!!! I thought about gettin' ticked but then thought, "Well. that just means the one I picked is the one I was supposed to pick." Right?

Then tonight as I stood in the door of my frig pondering dinner I got another feeling. I picked up that last yummy bottle of wine and caressed it like a long lost lover. And I swear it whispered in the softest of sounds, "Drink me." Not only that but the faint tune of "Closing Time" began to start - so softly but I swear I could hear it start. However, I put the wine down. But let's be honest... only because I knew I'd drink the whole damn thing and be hungover tomorrow when I'm getting foreign objects and sperm stuck up in me!

And the tunes of "Closing Time" (from wherever it was coming) that had started so softly at first came louder and I swear I could hear "closing time, one last call for alcohol, so finish your whiskey or beer...." And with the lyrics starting to get louder and ring in my ears, and my mouth starting to water, I picked up the last bottle of icy cold Bud Light, left over from some party or other- ahh my sweet, sweet Bud - and I swear he screamed, "BITCH! YOU BETTER DRINK ME NOW! LAST CHANCE!"

I swear that's what he said. I just know it. ;)


luckypennymn said...

I enjoyed the entire thing...I must say that I was a little worried that you were about to grab the beer with the orange glove on it and drink it!!!! Our special beer that we are going to drink on the porch when we are 80...I am glad it survived!


Live.Love.Laugh. said...

You my dear Melissa do not know me if you EVER thought I'd drink our "Beer with a Glove". I think I may be offended! It is still there for when we are 80.
