And we're off....Just came back from the doctor. The deed has been done.
I always wonder what other people in my situation do after the doctor leaves the room. After the doctor leaves you lay there for about 20 - 30 minutes. They even ask you if you want the lights on or off. To set the mood, maybe? I know women with their husbands probably sit there and talk. When J went with me that time, there I was with my knees in the air, she was in the corner chair, and we chatted. I assume a husband and wife would do that too. But the single gals like me? What do they do?
I can tell you what I did this time. I did not have the lights off (mainly because I had my book with me. I'm all about my summer reading!)So I stuck my earphones in and turned on my Ipod. I purposely picked one song to listen to this time. I played "Baby Mine" by Bette Midler and prayed. I prayed it would work. No matter how many scared and freaked out thoughts I have when it does work. And I will. Because I have freaked out everytime I've done this and especially the time it did work. I mean, who isn't scared in this process no matter what route they go? So i prayed throughout the whole song.That this time would be the time. Then I clicked on my "Low Key Music" playlist and started reading. (A Soft Place to Land by Susan Rebecca White justin case anyone cares). And I read until C, the nurse, came and said that was that.
And...that was that. Now I wait. It's so crazy how obsessive you become during this wait period. You try not to be. But it just can't be helped. I'll try not to think about it...put my mind on other things....finally clean my office room....scrapbook last summer's fabulous pictures into an album....blah, blah, blah...mainly try not waste countless minutes and hours googling every little thing about feritilzation, ovulation, and implantation!!!
Only two weeks time will tell.
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