Monday, October 11, 2010

It's October 11!!!

I am 19 weeks today. My appointment is at 4 this afternoon. Hopefully, I will find out if it is a boy or a girl. this whole time I have felt like it's a girl. Now, I really don't care either way. All I want is a healthy baby, and I do mean that. I love baby boys AND baby girls. But I'm feeling it's a girl. Mama thinks (or wants) girl. M thinks (or wants) girl. Gay J wants to be an Aunt to a girl. I also had my 3rd or 4th girl dream the other night. I kinda think that now if they say boy I might be a tad disappointed. Oh, I won't cry or anything, but just a teensy weensy disappointed.

T and C are calling boy. At least, C is. Z just sent me a text calling boy. So this is going to be really fun to find out.

Pink or blue?! Blue or pink?

3 comments: said...

Totally pink. I only say that because I found out I was having a GIRL in October of 2007. Kelly was with me at the appt. and she thought FOR SURE it was a boy. Zoe showed her. :)
Good luck and have fun!

pam said...

I already know now, but no matter what, that baby is getting things monogrammed and in toile! lol

Live.Love.Laugh. said...

ha...i will only dress her in toile at Halloween!!! LOL