I am 30 weeks today, and I just.can't.believe.it.
March will be here before I know it! And my girl doesn't even have a room yet. Well, she has a room. BUT IT IS STILL MY JUNKY OFFICE!
Two nights ago the "nesting" kicked in. It just seems my back porch renovation isn't moving as quickly as 10 weeks is likely to happen. Yesterday I woke up with the goal in mind - Start boxing up the office junk. Which it isn't junk to me, but since it is organized in no form or fashion i will call it junk. And, for the most part, it got boxed up. Actually some of it got moved to the spare room, so now the "Scarlett Room" (aka guest room, Jill's room, Melissa's room, etc.) is becoming the junk room. But that's okay!
Today.... among other activities that I won't talk about for long other than saying I had to go buy an effing new dishwasher AND refrigerator which was not what I wanted to be buying and it just pissed me off and I don't like to think about it too hard because I'll cry so I just did it and moved on....I stopped in Lowes and picked up paint samples for Lainey's room. And is it only fitting that "mimosa" is one of the colors I am considering?! So, now I sit here amidst cards with colors like Candy Hearts, Funshine, Dreamsickle, Creamsickle, Mimosa, Bunny's Nose, Sunbathed, Bleached Blonde, Sunny Delight....and I have to choose 3 of those colors for the "look" I'm going for. This is going to be tough!
In the midst of this I point out to J and D that Lainey will be here March 7th. And realized that March 8th is Fat Tuesday. AND HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE?! If you know me, you get it! so I have decided to ask Lainey every day not to come until the 8th just to humor Mommy.
On to Target to grab the gun and go ballistic finishing up my registry (which I started online). Of course, the minute I got the gun in my hand, the frickin' fridge guy called and said he was on the way to my house! Damn it!!!! Two hours later I returned to Target and proceeded to get gun happy. Now my registries ( BRU & Target) are about 95% done. I've got to look over them and see what I"m missing or what is completely random that needs to be deleted. But it got to feeling like I was shooting random stuff!!!
Productive day. And I'm exhausted.
Next up. Choose the 3 paint colors I want. Get rid of the pink recliner in the junk room. Start moving stuff out of there. PAINT. THE. WALLS. I don't care if everything is still in there and has to be moved to the middle of the room. I want paint on the walls.
10 weeks to go. My girl needs a room! And a fabulous room to boot.
1 comment:
silent lurker here..... how are you doing??? 38 weeks pregnant i see? i'd love an update! :) good luck!
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