Myth: A pregnant woman should not consume ANY caffeine.
Fact: Experts and studies have stated that "moderate" levels of caffeine have not been found to have a negative effect on pregnancy. The definition of "moderate" varies anywhere from 150 mg - 300 mg a day.
With a dull headache in my noggin which started last night (so much for 4 pm), I began doing some research this morning and found that *a* cup of coffee has between 150-300 mg of caffeine (I tend to drink 3) while a lovely coca-cola has only 35.5 mg...35.5!.... of caffeine. And get coke has even more with 45 mg! So my research has led me to the following conclusion....
God is a good God, and he's a Coca-Cola drinker to boot!
I'm going to the grocery store cuz this sister has to wean herself! Goin' cold turkey is obviously not for me!
Edited 30 minutes later to say, "Ahhhhh."
"Ahhhhh"men, sister! A girl has to have her caffeine! Baby steps, baby steps!
I tried to cut out COLD turkey too. I did very GOOD until my last 3 months.. I said to HELL with this. I NEED MY COKE! I was able to put it off with having Sprite (just needed some fizzness) but then I had to break down and had at least 1 a day! LOL
You will never see me quit the good stuff!! I need my caffine to function at work!
Just so y'all know....I did drink one coke this morning and was TOTALLY fine all day. And still am!!! So obviously *needing* three cups of coffee every morning was a dirty habit and/or figment of my imagination!
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