So....Melissa keeps asking, "Do you feel anything?" Of course, as we laugh that she is being silly, I say, "no." But the past few days I *think* I have felt some kind of cramping (and according to my research this is a possibility). However, it may be imaginary or it may be that I just need to go take a poo-poo stinky. It started maybe Wednesday or Thursday, and I thought maybe it was just something I ate. Then it was really bad last night. I went for my daily walk and felt really "funny", almost nauseous. Now again, it could have been my huge dinner that I had eaten earlier. But I carried the wierd stomach thing into the night while I was trying to sleep. Now I can understand that it might be stomach pains due to the cheese stick, burger, fries and brownie thingy I ate. But to feel a little cramping this morning after Frosted Flakes and a banana??? Hmmmmm.......
I have also been periodically pushing on my boobs to see if they are sore. Yes. It's official. I'm a freak. But Mary Ann and Ginger are perfectly perky and fine! Sigh.
And to top it all off I had an internal argument with myself this morning to start peeing on a stick. Thursday is the day I probably should wait for since that or Friday is the day I would start my period. But oh no...I wanna do it now. But I also don't want to see negative every morning when once will suffice. So I'm going to wait.....try to wait.
I just pushed on Ginger again. She's still fine. (probably pissed off I won't stop mashing her but fine nonetheless!)
1 comment:
Let me clarify what I have really been asking her so when she publishes these entries and has a best selling book on her hands I am not misquoted....
"Are you feeling FUNNY yet?"
And I am going to call it....she is feeling "funny" I don't think I am wrong!
Leave the girls alone though...when they are ready to be perky a lot they will turn the headlights on!!
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