So yeah...I totally didn't hold off on peeing on my one extra stick. Oh no, not me! Instead I went and bought a box of 3 more (who could pass up the bonus extra?!) which allows me to test every day until Thursday if I want to.
And I want to. So I have.
All BFN's (Big Fat Negatives) - that's baby speak by the way.
And to top it all off, last night I DREAMED about peeing on sticks! In my dreams I couldn't stop peeing on my hands. I woke up twice and had to tell myself that "no, that was a dream. I haven't done it yet." (because I start thinking about peeing on a damn stick the minute I F-in wake up)
Yep. I'm a freak!
So to answer the "any signs or symptoms questions" - I had the *funny* feeling last week. I have had a few days of slight crampings, and the last three days I've had backaches. The other night I was out for my daily walk/run, and when I started running I had to stop because my boobs were hurting from the jiggling. It usually doesn't bother me. Last night I went to bed at 8pm which is NOT normal for me being the night owl that I am. So...I'm either pregnant or my period is going to hit full force on Thursday.
It's a 50/50 odds I guess. And I do love to play some Roulette (usually betting red or black) , so I'm thinking positive and putting all my chips on PREGNANT. LOL However, if I don't win I'll do just like I do in Roulette... and play again!
That's just how I roll.
1 comment:
I knew it...I knew it...I knew it... You are pregnant! I just know it!!! and I am not scared to say it outloud!
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