Sunday, August 24, 2008

Spot Watch '08 has ended!

As I sit here with my 3rd glass of wine in hand I am saddened to say "Spot Watch '08" is officially over...for now. Yes, you read that right. I am drinking wine. Therefore I am not knocked up...

Aunt Flo showed up for the party 3 days late. WHAT A FUCKIN' BITCH!

I woke this morning and had three initial thoughts.

1) Sadness. Mixed with disappointment. Topped with a little pouting.

2) The realization that I had one bottle left of the four I ordered from the winery and that I would be drinking it upon arriving home from my weekend trip. (I am doing that now.)

3) September is my month for Bunko, and I can now drink the margaritas that I had planned on making.

I have come to the realization that Big G was probably just testing me to see if i could actually stay sober during a Kenny concert weekend. I did. Water. For two nights. I am strong. Hear me F-IN roar! Grrrrrrr!!!!

I also think he saved me from years of heartache in having a child that was a Taurus. I couldn't even stay married to a Taurus for a year!!! Imagine me, a True Gemini by all accounts of the word, with a child who is a Taurus. So I will try again...this time for a Gemini. Should it occur it may be like a zoo in my house....a wishy washy zoo at that!!! But as Jill so smartly put....We are Gemini's. We are fabulous. That should be come my mantra.

So for now I will remember with fondness the Grande Cafe Mocha I immediately drank upon sight of the Starbucks next to the Wendy's I was at when I had a tampoon blowout this morning. I will enjoy every sip of the wine I am now drinking. Even mama had a drink with me even though I was thinking in my head as she held her glass, "You better not waste ONE drop of my beloved last bottle of wine." And I will think to the upcoming weekend where I will take up my love affair with my Boyfriend, Bud....Bud Light. Oh my God! You've heard of him? I will think to this upcoming weekend and a cute fella I should not want to kiss, but do, and will try to steal a kiss. Don't go getting any ideas in your head. He can never be my babydaddy. Oh but the pretty, pretty, pretty babies we'd make if he could. Sigh.

(Excuse my ramblings. There is a great possibility that I am drunk right now.)

Then in two weeks I will start the process over. Stay tuned. "Spot Watch '08" may have ended....but it is far from over!!!!


Live.Love.Laugh. said...

and I love you too!

J1 said...

I think I will try to print us some shirts...."We are Geminis. We are fabulous." lol It's not conceited if it's true, right? I am now super excited about Baby Gemini!

newyorker said...

Sorry it didn't work :(

Just keep thinking positive thoughts!

2nd time's a charm!