Fair warning...the following post may contain an F-Bomb. If strategically placed F-Bombs offend you may want to stop reading. (but if you do stop reading please make sure to ask someone else what NOT to say so as NOT to piss me off!!! hahahaha) But first let me step onto my soapbox...
So I say again...Wanna piss me off?
Ask me the following question....or something along the lines of the following questions....
"Are you SURE you are ready for this?" or "I mean, you can't give it back." or "It's different than a dog."
WTF?! are you kiddin' me?! Do you think I'm a fuckin' idiot?! This is what I think when people ask me this. I *KNOW* you can't give it back. Ummmm....and I'm kinda intelligent enough to know that a baby IS different than a dog. And from what I understand most mothers find out that they are truly NEVER ready to have a child. It's a big responsibility that is going to come along with both joys and heartache. And ya know....it comes regardless of if you are married or not. Whether you are 25 or 35. It's almost like saying that married couples don't have fun and interesting lives - like me - up until they have a child. (Well some don't but all you can do is pray for them because they were probably boring ass people before they got married - but that isn't the point to my story) And guess what....most married couples I know with children are still interesting, still fun, and still are able to be very similiar, if not the same people at heart, they were "BC" - before children.
It pisses me off because most people wouldn't be asking me those things if I was some married person trying to have a child. Oh no! I mean....i could be 21 or 25 and still married and everyone would probably be all, "ahhhh that is so exciting. yeahhh! "
But I'm 35 years old and get that shit?! Again...I ask.....WHAT.THE.FUCK.
Yes. I have fun. I have more fun in one day than some people have in a lifetime. But do people really think I want to be some perpetual party animal until I'm 80 and on my deathbed?! Yes! I am single. Yes! I like to travel. Yes! I like my life. But I also know that this is not the way I want to spend it until I'm dead. Sure, some people want to travel the world until they can't do it anymore. But all my freakin' life I've wanted to be a mom. Sure....If I knew that my eggs were still going to be perfectly a-oky in 10 years I might wait. But I might not becuase I also know I don't want to be near death's door age wise as my children grow up.
you know what?! I *do* want to be the 80 year old granny raising hell and kissin' all the old farts at the nursing home. But I want to be that way with my 45 year old son or daughter (and their children) pouring the vodka and metamucil into my drink and pushing my wheelchair!!! Until then - anyone that thinks I'm not going to be the best mom that I can be, teaching my children right from wrong, raising them with some morals (though they may possibly misplace them from the ages of 13 - 35), and put them first and foremost above every single other thing in my life....well....that person doesn't know JACKSHIT...or me for that matter.
Stepping down off my soapbox (muttering under my breath because I'm still worked up about this topic)......
And on an off baby topic totally unrelated to my rant above... I FINALLY....and TOTALLY UNINTENTIONALLY.....met my dad's wife for the first time today. You know....the one he's been with for 2 years? And I can't decide if she looks like a pekingnese or a pug. Way to go grandpa. Sheesh.
Someone should have told me about this non-return policy!
You're married...Of course they aren't going to tell you. They only let the single people - who they obviously think are idiots - in on this secret.
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