Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Wanted a Margarita

I'm going to meet Mama in a bit to eat dinner at the Mexican restaurant. I was sitting on the couch a bit ago and thought...

I want a magarita.

then the crazy thought, "I should take a test. If there is nothing there, I'm getting a margarita. If there is something there, I'm not getting a margarita."

Off to the store I went...back home, into the bathroom, do my business....

Well,after looking at the stick, it looks like I'm NOT getting that margarita after all.

2 comments: said...

Hooray! Thinking nothing but GOOD thoughts for you! :)
--Kelly's Baby Sister

Live.Love.Laugh. said...

thanks Sara! It is VERY light, but there is SOMETHING there. Hopefully it is not a fluke! I'll try again in the morning. Hope pale pink line is HOT pink!