So another weird dream to add to the list. Now it wasn't so much that it was THAT weird, but that once again what I feel to be sign of a "boy to come" was present.
But let's backtrack a few days...
Several days ago I dreamed I was walking along this river and hear Jameson, a guy that I know (works for KC), across the way yelling at me to see what he caught. He's yelling that he caught this big catfish, and I start walking over to see what looks to be a big catfish. But as he gets closer I notice that he is dragging the big ole thing along the ground, and I say, "But Jameson. That's not a catfish. It's a dog." Sure enough the catfish had turned into a dog that he was just dragging along. We argued this for several minutes (him swearing it was a catfish) until the next thing I know we were in a van driving around Warner Robins (in an area of town where we used to talk old dudes into getting us many bottles of Boone's Farm - the glory of the 10th grade, I tell ya) and the dog has now turned into a baby boy who is buckled into the backseat. And in my dream it was very clear that the baby boy was mine. Do I need to mention that Charles Kelley was riding with us in the front seat?!
Okay. yeah..this dream was the night before the Lady A show, so no wonder he showed up! And Jameson WAS at the last concert I attended a few weeks ago. so it kinda makes sense he was there. However, the catfish that turned into a large dog that turned into a baby boy - well, I can't explain that one too much. Maybe I will have a son who is an avid fisherman and animal lover?!
Hmmph. I say let's just chalk it up to an effed up dream.
Then last night I dreamed that in order to impress one very hot fiddla I was coloring my teeth blue. How this was supposed to impress him....not so sure. But all I know in my dream it was supposed to do just that.
Let's see...that's three weird dreams where the following have shown up: a penis with a bow around it, a baby boy in the backseat, and blue teeth...
So...boy? or Effed up dreams? I'll let y'all call it.
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