So at 8am this morning I was once again up on a table with the coochie cam checking out the lay of the land. We hit the jackpot with one follicle at 18mm on my left ovary. Although after reading online about people with two or three follies, I feel cheated somehow with only one! Ha! But let's all pray it's THE one. Anywhoo...It seems that 18mm was good enough to warrant... THE SHOT.
I was given my instructions. Shot at 9pm tonight. Go in for the IUI on Saturday morning at 8AM. It's all about timing, baby!
I was actually prayin' that I would get the green light tonight seeing as it was Bunko night, and I would have 11 people that I could inlist to stick me with the needle. I'm sorry - I just couldn't do it myself. Tonya, who had already volunteered, was there. However, since Alicia is a nurse (pediatric nurse), and I am a big baby, Alicia was the "Chosen One." Gotta love that when 9 pm rolled around I had a crew of friends standing around in a circle watching me start my ovulation. Seriously - my friends are sick wanting to watch someone they love (ME!) have pain inflicted upon them (it really didn't hurt). Sometimes I laugh at what funny situations arise in my life.
So here we go....GAME ON!
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