Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pure Excitement In My World!

Seriously, can this day get ANY better?

First of all, in Jellybean related news -

...yes. I am a total goober that has already nicknamed this being inside me. And, no, it's not in reference to size because if that was the case I'd be calling the jellybean a poppyseed. But on with the good stuff I'm trying to get on to...

So, I went for a blood test on Monday. They wanted to check my HCG levels which ended up being 425 (very good for how far I am which isn't far at all). Then I had to go back on Wednesday because the numbers should double every 48 hours indicating all is pretty darn good in da womb. All they were wanting was to see the number in the 800's. And Jellybean gave them 1476! Thatta boy! (or girl!)

My first appointment (WITH ULTRASOUND) is now set for November 18th, and I am so excited I can barely stand it. I will be 8 weeks at that appointment. Ahhhhhhhh!!!

So how did the day get any better you ask?! Because I got a phone call. Yep. A phone call. And they left a message. Yep. A simple little message. After a few years of trying to get them I got them. Yep. Got them. You are dying to know, right?

Well....come November 22 my happy little ass (or big ass depending on if I have started putting on the pounds) will sitting in the audience at a taping of Saturday Night Live in NYC!!!



Yep. I just pissed in my pants from the excitement!

1 comment:

Becky Le Cochon said...

Hey, How do i get to sit in on SNL??
I want to tooooo
And since you will be in NYC you have NOOOOO excuse not to see your sponsor!
Great NUMBERS~!!! jellybean is here to stay!