I awoke at 7ish this morning to let Charlie out and figured today was the day to start peein' on those sticks!!! And I did. And it was POSITIVE. Yep, you read that right. I am pregnant.
Holy Shit!!! HOLY SHIT!!! HOLY SHIT!!!
I have been at a Math Conference since Wednesday. Yesterday, I began feeling really nauseous and thought to myself that it could be a "sign." But then on the drive home I began feeling feverish. And upon arriving home, I had a serious case of the chills. Nauseous, feverish, chills??? I was then convinced that I must have the flu coming on or some kind of food poisoning from the "camp" food we ate (The conference was at Rock Eagle - and by the way, I slept in the cabins that I stayed in when I was at camp in 5th grade there. Those cabins smelled like it had been that long since they'd been properly cleaned. But that grumbling is a story for another day.)
I went to bed early and got up this morning. I didn't feel feverish anymore. I no longer had the chills. As a matter of fact, I was now hot and cranking the air down! I peed on that stick and fully expecting nothing when I went back to look, was quite shocked when there was a big, pink line! Oh no...there was nothing "faint" about that line. IT.WAS.THERE. and I.aM.PREGNANT.
Holy SHit! (By the way, I've repeated this phrase more than any other today.)
I immediately called Jill and before I could get anything out she said, "O-M-G!" and I replied, "You knocked me up!!!" Lots of squealing on her end. She even went outside so as not to freak out her children.
I then called Melissa (who couldn't properly squeal due to being in the car with folks that don't need to know my state of knocked-up-ness right now).
I let the WRHS girls know via texts/emails.
Then it was on to breakfast to tell Mama IN person. We had ordered our breakfast and I put the stick in front of her on the table and said, "What do you think about that?" And she looked down all confused and then it registered. It was all good. I think I even saw some happy crocodile tears threatening to spill over.
Sent a cryptic message to Aunties Jodie and Mel. LOL
Next it was on to tell Granny who did this high pitched squealing thing. Gotta give props to Granny for the excitement for her 35 year old granddaughter who used a sperm donor to get knocked up! Who knew?!
On to Chance's to tell them. Chance laughed and then started questioning, "Shelby, are you SURE you want one? They are hard work!" Crystal was another big squealer for the day. She told Jersey (who is 2 1/2), "There is a baby in Shelby's belly", and J turned and looked at me with such seriousness and said, "Can I see it?!" haha When I was getting ready to leave she reached up and said, "There is a baby in your belly?" and patted my stomach. She said it and patted me like three times.
Daddy finally called back and I told him.
So for now everyone that needs to know knows. Well, Tonya doesn't know. But she's not home. Becuase I've driven by her house...twice. Damn it! Where is she?!
And I am...? HAPPY.EXCITED.SMILING. I'm not scared. I'm not one bit upset that I did this. I know I did the right thing for me. This is aweseome.
The only thing I've noticed since yesterday is my disinterest in food. I think I want something. Or think I should eat something. Then I get it. And I'm forcing myself to eat at least half of it. I've lost interest in it by the first bite. Oh well.
So there y'all go!!! Please say lots of prayers for me and my baby....
me and my baby...
I'm so Happy for you darlin. THis was meant to happen!
I KNEW IT! My dreams are never wrong. :)
Congratulations! Happy and healthy nine months to you!
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