Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Dirty Little Secret

And's NOT that I ordered my babydaddy online. Shit. Y'all know that already.

Nope. I buy baby clothes. Hey! I only buy them on sale. (It makes me feel better to say that.) It started a few months ago when the ticking of my biological clock was so loud that buying adorable baby clothes seemed to be the only way to quiet the noise. At first it started out that I'd just buy cute things that could go either way - boy or girl. But then I crossed the line and stuck my toe in the "who cares" world. If it's a cute girl outfit - I buy it. If it's a cute boy outfit - I buy it.

And then M got pregnant recently and my thinking turned to, "Well. She's got to have a girl or a boy. So there goes half the clothes right there!" Gotta love that reasoning ability right there. However, the girl clothes tend to be in the lead. And that means M HAS to have a girl. Or I HAVE to have a girl. Or someone I know HAS. TO. HAVE. A. GIRL.

But my madness has taken on a whole new level....because I discovered baby clothes on Ebay! Oh crap is right! I'm talking Ralph Lauren, Gap, Calvin Klein, Gymboree....all at ridicously awesome prices because they are EUC (that's excellent used condition for those of you not in "the know"). Can I just tell you how much I LOVE Baby Ralph Lauren and that shit is expensive!!!! But oh no, not on Ebay!

I may need intervention.


luckypennymn said...

I am so glad that I could help validate your addiction! It is quirks like this that make me love you!!

Heather said...

I volunteer to have the girl!!

Live.Love.Laugh. said...

All I know that you, Melissa and I CAN'T have the same thing. One of us HAS to be an oddball!