Tuesday, October 28, 2008

B is for Blue and...Boy???

So another weird dream to add to the list. Now it wasn't so much that it was THAT weird, but that once again what I feel to be sign of a "boy to come" was present.

But let's backtrack a few days...

Several days ago I dreamed I was walking along this river and hear Jameson, a guy that I know (works for KC), across the way yelling at me to see what he caught. He's yelling that he caught this big catfish, and I start walking over to see what looks to be a big catfish. But as he gets closer I notice that he is dragging the big ole thing along the ground, and I say, "But Jameson. That's not a catfish. It's a dog." Sure enough the catfish had turned into a dog that he was just dragging along. We argued this for several minutes (him swearing it was a catfish) until the next thing I know we were in a van driving around Warner Robins (in an area of town where we used to talk old dudes into getting us many bottles of Boone's Farm - the glory of the 10th grade, I tell ya) and the dog has now turned into a baby boy who is buckled into the backseat. And in my dream it was very clear that the baby boy was mine. Do I need to mention that Charles Kelley was riding with us in the front seat?!

Okay. yeah..this dream was the night before the Lady A show, so no wonder he showed up! And Jameson WAS at the last concert I attended a few weeks ago. so it kinda makes sense he was there. However, the catfish that turned into a large dog that turned into a baby boy - well, I can't explain that one too much. Maybe I will have a son who is an avid fisherman and animal lover?!

Hmmph. I say let's just chalk it up to an effed up dream.

Then last night I dreamed that in order to impress one very hot fiddla I was coloring my teeth blue. How this was supposed to impress him....not so sure. But all I know in my dream it was supposed to do just that.

Let's see...that's three weird dreams where the following have shown up: a penis with a bow around it, a baby boy in the backseat, and blue teeth...

So...boy? or Effed up dreams? I'll let y'all call it.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rainbows and Granola Bars

In the past month I have noticed not one, but TWO, double rainbows. I think this is quite odd yet fascinating. So fascinting that I believe it to be a sign sent from above straight to me saying that all is going to be just right. I mean, two in a month?! And double rainbows at that?! It's a sign. And y'all know how I believe in signs.

The one I saw yesterday was so beautiful that had I not been in a hurry to get to Savannah to get to the concert on time, I would have pulled right over on the interstate and sat there just staring at it. I think it had to be one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. The bottom rainbow was so big and bright and close that it looked like I was about to drive right under it. And I could see the whole thing which is always very cool. Beautiful. yep. A sign of good things.

But gotta love how I drove straight into a storm - the kind where you can't see, and no matter how fast the wipers are going it doesn't help. Now I see this as no kind of sign. It was just a storm. LOL Luckily, I made it with minutes to spare, and Melissa and I got to downtown Savannah to get to our concert. However, we didn't have time to eat.

Two pregnat women. No dinner. Do you know where this is going?

Now I must let you know that the other day I had my first "Eat....NOW!" moment at work. My breakfast wore slap off at 10:30 with no warning. The belly rumbled and the shakes hit. I had to find food fast. That afternoon I went straight to the grocery store and bought snacks - lots of snacks. Let me tell ya - I have granola bars coming out the yingyang!

But on with the story....

So there we are having a good ole time at the concert. Lady A was fantastic as always. ( I mean..they are who I went to see and drove through a storm to get to)Then Jason Aldean came on. At some point my stomach began rumbling. I hung in there for several songs. And then it hit. I practically dived for my purse. In the darkened auditorium I searched for my granola bar.

And there I was...shaking my ass and rocking out to an AMAZING drum solo...eating a granola bar.

Jellybean does not even know the bad ass mommy he is getting!

And in case you are wondering...granola bars only hold you over so long. Once I heard my favorite Jason Aldean song, "Johnny Cash", and noticed us BOTH looking at our watches, I knew it was time and that the call of pizza was much stronger than a few more songs... and we hauled ass out of there!

I left the show sober and several songs early.

I'm stepping into a whole new world....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pure Excitement In My World!

Seriously, can this day get ANY better?

First of all, in Jellybean related news -

...yes. I am a total goober that has already nicknamed this being inside me. And, no, it's not in reference to size because if that was the case I'd be calling the jellybean a poppyseed. But on with the good stuff I'm trying to get on to...

So, I went for a blood test on Monday. They wanted to check my HCG levels which ended up being 425 (very good for how far I am which isn't far at all). Then I had to go back on Wednesday because the numbers should double every 48 hours indicating all is pretty darn good in da womb. All they were wanting was to see the number in the 800's. And Jellybean gave them 1476! Thatta boy! (or girl!)

My first appointment (WITH ULTRASOUND) is now set for November 18th, and I am so excited I can barely stand it. I will be 8 weeks at that appointment. Ahhhhhhhh!!!

So how did the day get any better you ask?! Because I got a phone call. Yep. A phone call. And they left a message. Yep. A simple little message. After a few years of trying to get them I got them. Yep. Got them. You are dying to know, right?

Well....come November 22 my happy little ass (or big ass depending on if I have started putting on the pounds) will sitting in the audience at a taping of Saturday Night Live in NYC!!!



Yep. I just pissed in my pants from the excitement!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Seriously...How do Pregnant Women Gain Weight?!


Why didn't anyone give me the heads up you can't eat deli meat?! Or at least not cold?! Seriously. WTF. Do you know how much I love a ham, turkey and cheese sandwiches?! I don't want to HEAT the meat up before I make one.

And please don't get me started on the white cheese dip from the Mexican restaurant. I can eat a bowl...by myself! (that isn't crying you hear coming from me right now...sniffle...really...)

You know...I knew I had to give up a Long Island or a bottle of champagne (yeah, I said a bottle - bite me), but an effin' ham and cheese sandwich?!

The internet is an evil, scary, scary place!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Yesterday WASN'T a fluke!

I am still pregnant. Because, of course, I had to test again this morning. I mean, I bought a pack of three tests for goodness sake! I'll be honest...I was terrified that that 2nd line wouldn't show up and that yesterday was a fluke or something. NOpe. There it was. OMG!

As for my dreams...noone showed up nekkid this time which is really hard to believe since The Girls Next Door (Holly, Kendra, and Bridgette) made an appearance! Ashton Kutcher (who seemed to be losing his mind) was there too with some crazy spiked hair going on, and we were all at a Kenny Chesney concert (nothing new with me dreaming about that! haha)

Gosh! I can't wait to see who else shows up in my dreams in the next nine months! hmmmm....If a nekkid David Beckam (or McSteamy) - with a bow wrapped around HIS penis - shows up I may just spend the rest of the pregnancy sleeping!!! grrrr...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What the Hell Does THAT mean?!

So, I've been told that crazy dreams are part of pregnancy symptoms. Guess what that means? I'm going to share mine! (well...maybe not all of them...but I'm sure I will share alot!) I noticed last week I was having some really CRAZY dreams. But last night I had a doozy of a dream. So here you go....

I was at a friend's house, sitting on the floor, looking through a box of her pictures. I came upon two or three that were quite disturbing. There were 5x7's of my ex and his wife. They were professional portraits. In one they were almost posed like a prom picture - facing each other, holding on to each other's elbows or waists or something.

The disturbing part? They were both completely BUTT ASS NEKKID!

Even more disturbing? Jacob's penis had a bow wrapped around it like a present!!!!


In my dream, I couldn't decide if I was more shocked that my friend had these pictures or the fact that my ex's penis was WAAAAAAY bigger than when I was with him. It was ENORMOUS!

Like I said there was more than one picture. Another one was Jacob hiding behind a tree kinda of playing "peek-a-boo" with whoever was taking the picture.. The reason I say "kinda" is because the only thing peeking around the tree was...his penis! LMFAO

You think it means I'm having a boy?

Third Time IS the Charm!!!

I awoke at 7ish this morning to let Charlie out and figured today was the day to start peein' on those sticks!!! And I did. And it was POSITIVE. Yep, you read that right. I am pregnant.

Holy Shit!!! HOLY SHIT!!! HOLY SHIT!!!

I have been at a Math Conference since Wednesday. Yesterday, I began feeling really nauseous and thought to myself that it could be a "sign." But then on the drive home I began feeling feverish. And upon arriving home, I had a serious case of the chills. Nauseous, feverish, chills??? I was then convinced that I must have the flu coming on or some kind of food poisoning from the "camp" food we ate (The conference was at Rock Eagle - and by the way, I slept in the cabins that I stayed in when I was at camp in 5th grade there. Those cabins smelled like it had been that long since they'd been properly cleaned. But that grumbling is a story for another day.)

I went to bed early and got up this morning. I didn't feel feverish anymore. I no longer had the chills. As a matter of fact, I was now hot and cranking the air down! I peed on that stick and fully expecting nothing when I went back to look, was quite shocked when there was a big, pink line! Oh no...there was nothing "faint" about that line. IT.WAS.THERE. and I.aM.PREGNANT.

Holy SHit! (By the way, I've repeated this phrase more than any other today.)

I immediately called Jill and before I could get anything out she said, "O-M-G!" and I replied, "You knocked me up!!!" Lots of squealing on her end. She even went outside so as not to freak out her children.

I then called Melissa (who couldn't properly squeal due to being in the car with folks that don't need to know my state of knocked-up-ness right now).

I let the WRHS girls know via texts/emails.

Then it was on to breakfast to tell Mama IN person. We had ordered our breakfast and I put the stick in front of her on the table and said, "What do you think about that?" And she looked down all confused and then it registered. It was all good. I think I even saw some happy crocodile tears threatening to spill over.

Sent a cryptic message to Aunties Jodie and Mel. LOL

Next it was on to tell Granny who did this high pitched squealing thing. Gotta give props to Granny for the excitement for her 35 year old granddaughter who used a sperm donor to get knocked up! Who knew?!

On to Chance's to tell them. Chance laughed and then started questioning, "Shelby, are you SURE you want one? They are hard work!" Crystal was another big squealer for the day. She told Jersey (who is 2 1/2), "There is a baby in Shelby's belly", and J turned and looked at me with such seriousness and said, "Can I see it?!" haha When I was getting ready to leave she reached up and said, "There is a baby in your belly?" and patted my stomach. She said it and patted me like three times.

Daddy finally called back and I told him.

So for now everyone that needs to know knows. Well, Tonya doesn't know. But she's not home. Becuase I've driven by her house...twice. Damn it! Where is she?!

And I am...? HAPPY.EXCITED.SMILING. I'm not scared. I'm not one bit upset that I did this. I know I did the right thing for me. This is aweseome.

The only thing I've noticed since yesterday is my disinterest in food. I think I want something. Or think I should eat something. Then I get it. And I'm forcing myself to eat at least half of it. I've lost interest in it by the first bite. Oh well.

So there y'all go!!! Please say lots of prayers for me and my baby....

me and my baby...


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Am Strong...Hear Me Roar!!!

I was at the grocery store earlier today picking up stuff for dinner. My bag was full, and on the way to checkout I stopped on the aisle with the HPTs.

I looked over the selection. Checked out the prices. I carefully picked up a box. I put it back down. And I walked to the checkout with nothing in my hand except my basket of groceries.

I am strong!!! Hear me Roar!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

And then I got home and realized that the ding dong in the checkout line forgot my taco seasoning. How in the hell can you make "Taco Bake" without the TACO seasoning?! Well....you effing can't!!!!

So off I go to the grocery store closest to me. Taco seasoning in hand. A quick stop on the carpet freshner aisle (gotta mask Charlie somehow) which is NEXT to...the HPT aisle. I couldn't help it. I walked to the next aisle.

(I swear the damn things were saying, "Shelby!!! Wooooooohoooooo, SHELBY!!!! We're over here. Come on and get us, bitch!!!")

I looked over the selection. Checked the prices. I DIDN'T pick up a box. I turned....and hauled ass to the checkout. Once again - without the HPTs!!!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

That's MY idea, damn it!

So here I thought I was being all creative and stuff and I find out...I'm not!

If you've kept up with my ramblings the last few months you'll know that I hinted to my Halloween outfit should I indeed get preggers. I was walking one afternoon, and as usual, the great ideas just come out of nowhere. BOOM! It just POPPED in my head - a great Halloween costume!

Well, imagine my surprise (and disappointment) when I am lying in bed last night perusing a new issue of US weekly and I see a blurb for "Hot Halloween" ideas for 2008. And there among the four listed is MY idea!


I have not talked to a reporter from US weekly or done an online poll to share Halloween ideas. So obviously, out there in this big, wide world is someone as AWESOME as I am at coming up with Halloween ideas.


Damn it! You don't give away the good ideas! I'm so irritated about this. But, as distraught as I am, I still plan on doing MY outfit should I get a BFP next week (or maybe even if I don't). So therefore...I'm still keeping it a secret.

It just makes me feel better to surprise people. Sigh.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

So Jill Knocked Me Up...

Gotta love that this weekend I didn't have to go alone for my "rendevoux" with Mr. 2936. At one point Friday night as we all sat around the table catching up, I had a feeling I was going to show up at the doctor's Saturday morning with 7 very interested and supportive friends cheering me and my "babydaddy" on.

Alas, too much beer and a 3 am bedtime for many nipped that in the bud right away!

However, Jill got up Saturday morning all bright eyed and bushytailed and we were off. (okay...so maybe she got that way after her 3rd cup of coffee, but still...) We arrived at the doctor's office on time and ready for Try #3 to get underway. Of course, I joked that everyone was going to think we were complete lesbians and made sure to reference Jill's hubby a time or two throughout the process. But we still had a lot of fun as "girlfriends".I always like to leave people wondering. Amd we are still joking she knocked me up.

She even went in the room with me! I believe my announcement of "Jill, now I don't want you staring at my privates" drove home the fact to the doctor and nurse that we were indeed NOT lovers. At one point as Jill and I sat alone in the room waiting on the doctor, the clock on the wall was ticking loudly. Loudly enough to warrant the following statement from Jill - "That isn't your biological clock ticking, is it?" Har har, Jill! ;) Even better, Dr. C joked with Jill that she could do the insemination. She declined the offer much to my relief.

Procedure done and we headed back to Regena's to rouse the other sleepyheads to get our day of nothing underway. Once again, I have to give a shout out to my friends for their support and positive vibes on my "baby project." It means the world to me, and I don' think they realize how much. They all rubbed my belly when I got back and the remainder of the weekend would constantly correct me if I said the words "if this time works". There is no "if" about it according to them. Chris even joked she is going to throw me a baby shower with the theme around the numbers "2936"! THAT should be interesting. LMFAO When I told Brad (who had been banned from his own home for the weekend and snuck back over to the house for a quick hello),he even rubbed my belly and said, "It took and it's a girl." Gotta love those positive vibes since Regena says he has a complete knack for calling stuff like this.

The fact that my best friends since junior high and high school were around me on the same weekend I was trying for a baby was not lost on any of us. We ALL want this weekend to be the weekend it happens for me. And I think we'll all be disappointed if it doesn't. I pray, pray, pray that when our next get together rolls around that I'll be sporting a big ole belly and happily declining the hot tub and beer that runneth over in abundance on these weekend gatherings.

But for now we wait...and I say "we" because my support system of friends are right here waiting with me.

Spot Watch '08 Part 3 is underway once again!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Good Karma and Random Thoughts...

I am about to head out for a weekend with my WRHS girls. We have been getting together (with husbands) for the last few years in some distant state that is both accessible to everyone and far enough up a mountain that being nekkid and obnoxious can occur without someone calling the cops.

Good times, I tell ya.

Anywhoo...we are doing something a little different this go round in that it's only the girls this weekend meeting up in our beloved Middle Georgia (hopefully, Regena's house won't look like the PCB beach house we stayed in during Spring Break our Senior year - Good Lawd, we wrecked that shit!). And I can barely contain my excitement that packed in my bag is the WRJH Smoke Signal. Oh yeah...the video of all videos from our 9th grade year. It's a suprise for everyone! God, you gotta love pink,blue,and purple Cover girl eyeshadow and big, poofy, permed hair. (Sigh. We love you and remember you fondly 1987!)

But back to my point...I'm sorry...i was taking a trip to '87-'88...and those were some fan -wait for it- tastic years! FANTASTIC.

Okay...so the point...Both Kelly and Jill have figured that the 3rd try is going to work this go round based soley on the fact everyone will be together. As Jill put it, "OmG! We are all so going to be around for you getting knocked up." and Kelly said, "It's good karma!"

I totally agree.

And if the above wasn't random enough, I actually have a date for a wedding next weekend. Woohoo! Seeing as I haven't taken a date to a wedding since 1996 (at least that I can remember) and for the last 12 years have been putting "Shelby + 1" just to be a positive thinker, this is big stuff! And get this....he's driving from Baltimore!!! Holy crapola! Several people have mentioned, "Well, why dont' you let him knock you up." My reply - "He's getting here a week too late." ha.

Timing can be such a bitch, can't she? And in more ways then one.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Here We Go Follie, Here We Go!!!

So at 8am this morning I was once again up on a table with the coochie cam checking out the lay of the land. We hit the jackpot with one follicle at 18mm on my left ovary. Although after reading online about people with two or three follies, I feel cheated somehow with only one! Ha! But let's all pray it's THE one. Anywhoo...It seems that 18mm was good enough to warrant... THE SHOT.

I was given my instructions. Shot at 9pm tonight. Go in for the IUI on Saturday morning at 8AM. It's all about timing, baby!

I was actually prayin' that I would get the green light tonight seeing as it was Bunko night, and I would have 11 people that I could inlist to stick me with the needle. I'm sorry - I just couldn't do it myself. Tonya, who had already volunteered, was there. However, since Alicia is a nurse (pediatric nurse), and I am a big baby, Alicia was the "Chosen One." Gotta love that when 9 pm rolled around I had a crew of friends standing around in a circle watching me start my ovulation. Seriously - my friends are sick wanting to watch someone they love (ME!) have pain inflicted upon them (it really didn't hurt). Sometimes I laugh at what funny situations arise in my life.

So here we go....GAME ON!