Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Am Strong...Hear Me Roar!!!

I was at the grocery store earlier today picking up stuff for dinner. My bag was full, and on the way to checkout I stopped on the aisle with the HPTs.

I looked over the selection. Checked out the prices. I carefully picked up a box. I put it back down. And I walked to the checkout with nothing in my hand except my basket of groceries.

I am strong!!! Hear me Roar!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

And then I got home and realized that the ding dong in the checkout line forgot my taco seasoning. How in the hell can you make "Taco Bake" without the TACO seasoning?! Well....you effing can't!!!!

So off I go to the grocery store closest to me. Taco seasoning in hand. A quick stop on the carpet freshner aisle (gotta mask Charlie somehow) which is NEXT to...the HPT aisle. I couldn't help it. I walked to the next aisle.

(I swear the damn things were saying, "Shelby!!! Wooooooohoooooo, SHELBY!!!! We're over here. Come on and get us, bitch!!!")

I looked over the selection. Checked the prices. I DIDN'T pick up a box. I turned....and hauled ass to the checkout. Once again - without the HPTs!!!


1 comment:

SaraPlaysHouse.com said...

I am SERIOUSLY proud of you. GO GIRL!
--Sara, Kelly's baby sister