Saturday, October 18, 2008

What the Hell Does THAT mean?!

So, I've been told that crazy dreams are part of pregnancy symptoms. Guess what that means? I'm going to share mine! (well...maybe not all of them...but I'm sure I will share alot!) I noticed last week I was having some really CRAZY dreams. But last night I had a doozy of a dream. So here you go....

I was at a friend's house, sitting on the floor, looking through a box of her pictures. I came upon two or three that were quite disturbing. There were 5x7's of my ex and his wife. They were professional portraits. In one they were almost posed like a prom picture - facing each other, holding on to each other's elbows or waists or something.

The disturbing part? They were both completely BUTT ASS NEKKID!

Even more disturbing? Jacob's penis had a bow wrapped around it like a present!!!!


In my dream, I couldn't decide if I was more shocked that my friend had these pictures or the fact that my ex's penis was WAAAAAAY bigger than when I was with him. It was ENORMOUS!

Like I said there was more than one picture. Another one was Jacob hiding behind a tree kinda of playing "peek-a-boo" with whoever was taking the picture.. The reason I say "kinda" is because the only thing peeking around the tree was...his penis! LMFAO

You think it means I'm having a boy?

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