Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Drummin' my fingers on the table...

Not much happenin' in my world. My trigger shot arrived and is safely waiting in the frig for the doctor to give me the go ahead. I actually had it sent to school but not before asking the girl on the phone, "The box isn't going to be stamped all over with FERTILITY in big bold letters is it?!" She assured me it wasn't. Only a few people at work are even aware of my plans, so I had to make sure the box was coming incognito.

Gotta love Tonya...she has graciously stepped up to the plate to give me the shot if I find myself unable to jab my own belly with a needle(TOTAL possibility!). However, she grimaced the whole time she was saying it! haha But she is willing to help me in this process if I can get a future girlfriend for Charlie out of it.

Which Melissa might have some concerns with that since she is hoping I will produce a future girlfriend for Brooks. Yep! She's having a boy. (See...1/2 of my "baby stash" will be gone in a few months! AND I GOT IT ALL ON SALE! Woohoo!)

At dinner with Daddy a few nights ago I told him that if it doesn't work this time I guess I'm going to just have to get one of my single guy friends drunk next go round and take total advantage of him - to save money, of course. It gave us both a chuckle since I was totally kiddin'.

Well, maybe kiddin'. ;)

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