Saturday, September 6, 2008

Welcome to Club Vagina!!!!

(Please go back and reread the title but with the "Let's Get Ready to Rumble" announcer voice. TOTALLY the way I'm thinking it in my head. HA)

So it's the weekend and wouldn't you know that last night around 7pm I got the "ovulation okay" from the little testy thingy. Of course, it would happen after the office is closed. I called and got all the after hour numbers. Let me state first and foremost that I have never in my life paged or had to beep someone. So I was completely confused when all I got was a beep and couldn't leave a message. Did I do it right?! I waited. Then I went to plan B and paged the doctor. I waited. No word back. There was a 3rd option, but I went to bed frustrated and thinking I'd try again in the morning.

Aand gotta be honest here....I totally woke up this morning in a panic. What if I missed out on this month's opportunity?! What would I do?! So...I started thinking about three hot single guys I know and maybe I should give one of them a call. Not kiddin'. They are all in my phone. I actually picked up my phone and was looking for one (who I've had "relations" with before) and was considering texting him when I decided I better try the nurse again first. So....when I heard that stupid beep again I thought, "Maybe I'm supposed to put in my phone number." Well there you go! It worked.

Totally Big J telling me I didn't need to call one of my guy friends, get them drunk and have sex. Seriously. A sign from above. And people don't think God talks to you. He SO does.

So off I go this morning to do the deed....Try #2. Here we go. It wasn't my doctor but the other doctor in the practice. And my funny for this go round was the nurse telling me, "I checked out the sample this morning. There are some swimmers in there!!!"

OMG! Please let one of them be a Michael Phelps of the sperm world. JUST ONE!!!!

My Ipod was on hand once again, But i didn't go with the Kenny Chesney BAYA CD this time. In honor of the weekend and welcoming the boys to CLUB VAGINA I put on booty music! I thought it might pump them up. I mean (1) real men at a club totally think with their penis when they are after some hot ass at the club. I wanted those boys to be hauling ass to the "dance floor" after my girl! Hee Hee and (2) Booty music makes me work out harder, so why not the boys?

And right now I'm totally listening to "there you go...bring it here baby....come on...hey girl....let me see you get low..." Eggie Girl ain't got a chance this month! I think she is going to be a total slut and have a one nighter. It's da club....A good time is always had at da club!


1 comment:

Becky Le Cochon said...

hhahaha I'm here!!! I offer 24/7 support and council. My 3 step program is fail
1. take all your extra cash so you cant but Pee Sticks
2. STALK you
3. stand over you while you pee EVERYTIME!